Changes in environment do not affect the rate of decay. If u had evidence of this - real evidence - I suggest you submit to a peer reviewed journal like Nature. Because you are about to be famous.The problem with C-14 dating is that changes in its environment can change the rate of C-14 decay. For instance, ingenious rocks can appear to be millions of years old even if they just formed because of the heat of the volcano. So C-14 dating is not very accurate especially for long term dating.
This was told shown to me by someone much smarter than me or you and has studied creation and evolution. If changes in the environment does not affect C-14 and it is accurate then why has it dated a live mollusk at being a couple thousand years old?I don't see the relevance. Any biological matter would be destroyed by volcanic activity anyway. Do you know what anomalous results are?The problem with C-14 dating is that changes in its environment can change the rate of C-14 decay. For instance, ingenious rocks can appear to be millions of years old even if they just formed because of the heat of the volcano. So C-14 dating is not very accurate especially for long term dating.
True story=My uncle once asked a professor who taught evolution if he really believed that stuff. The professor told him that evolution was not possible. The only reason the professor believed evolution is that he could not bear to believe the alternative.
You know what this reminds me of? Once when Louis Pasteur was telling everyone that germs floated in the air, a very smart man told him that he did not believe it because he could not bear the thought of germs floating in the air.
I challenge you to decide for yourself whether evolution is true or creation is true. Forget what your teachers have told you. Go to a site that shows that neutrally, without assuming that either is true, shows the facts and try to see which one fits the facts better. Then come and tell me your findings.