Celtic Heroes

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Re: Is it supposed to take this long for a Refund/Exchange

1) you're not stupid youre a noob

2) 1m is nothing to you, just a drop in the ocean

3) keep the 100 vit for your warrior and buy another for your druid
1) thanks and ty noob lol
2) 1m is a lot to anyone
3) the old 1mil bracelet with regen is better than this one
Since when is purple vitality?
As far as i can remember the 5 vitality regen bracelet is purple or pink or something :) ive always known blue to be focus not hp :)
Warriorz (Warrior) (198)
Myhealerz (Druid( (198)
Roguezz (Rogue) (186)
Kefhr (Mage) (134)
And other useless low char

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