You mentioned the dictatorship and about how apparently I was being "inconsistent by raising more than 1 problem with christianity
What I meant was that you both complained about God doing nothing about all the bad stuff that happens in the world then you called him a dictator for forcing us into his will, I am confused whether you think he does too much or not enough? And I don't really get your point of Hitler both helping and harming Germany, are you saying God helps and harms us?
Also where did you get the god hates blacks thing?
I have been on mission trips to Mexico to build houses for people, and no, we didn't preach at anyone, stop pretending like you know anything about Christian missions, and once again, your little list of good deeds is so pathetic I want to laugh.
And for the record I am not a Christian and I have no intention of trying to look good because I did this or that.
Well you are clearly not a good person if you feel the need to brag as you do, and generosity doesn't have to be anything big, you think I can get a plane, heck no I afraid of planes.
Wasn't bragging, my point was that Christians do more for people than you or I and that you apparently don't understand how missions work, I mentioned one of the missions I have personally been on as an example.
Answer my question, I am running out of patience with you... What moral standard are you following?
Wasn't my moral standard, was plus3's moral standard.
Ok, what I mean is, if you have no moral standard of your own how can you judge others morals and how can you find something immoral sickening, what does it matter to you?
For the record I never said I find the killing of the innocent ok, it seems like you are just digging for dirt to throw at me.
And eldrick, have you even heard of any Christian charities, for example, the majority of them, will go to Africa and give food. They will then give a 2 hour sermon about the food, and if you are one of the african kids who cant be fussed to sit through it because you gotta get water for you family? Tough. No food for you. They are only nice to get you to convert. Like Jehovah's witnesses, they manipulate your mind into liking them.
I have been on mission trips to Mexico to build houses for people, and no, we didn't preach at anyone, stop pretending like you know anything about Christian missions, and once again, your little list of good deeds is so pathetic I want to laugh.
And for the record I am not a Christian and I have no intention of trying to look good because I did this or that.
And google christian religions, the majority will give a "short sermon" before any deposit of food to the african kids, mind manipulation, its sick. When did religion become the government? Religion is what you believe and now that it has become integrated with the government, they are forcing you to believe them, mass oppression. THE ILLUMINATI WILL FIGHT!
I grew up affiliated with several missionary organizations, sure they do preach and spread their religion, but I guarantee they are not doing it to line their own pockets and they don't only help people who listen to what they have to say, they help everyone they can. I don't see how they could be expecting to line their own pockets by helping people who have nothing and can never pay them back, and they aren't making money off donations because they spend all they get on others and live in the same poverty the people around them do.
Sure there are always exceptions, some missionary organizations may be making profits, but I am talking from experience, none of the ones I have worked with are like that.
Also Illuminati whaaaaaaatt?? The government is very obviously anti-christian. If anything they are spreading evolution around by teaching it in public schools.
I said Christians just want money and that's why they help people. In general this is how it works - Christianity is not really a non profit. They have billions and billions of dollars. Not every single person is obviously out to get money but this is statistically true - that they indroctinate the people they help and thus take thier money. Even if what your family did was well intentioned, those activities are strongly correlated with heavy indroctination by someone and probably helped to convert people thus building a finnincal base.
Also it sounds like you have done nothing. If you are going to accuse others of doing nothing then don't brag about how you are doing good by giving examples of what others do. You sound stupid. You did not even ask about my family.
My Point is that it is far moral to help people and to expect nothing. To not hurt even if you could get away free and expect no punishment this life or the 'next'. Helping people to get into Disneyland afterlife isn't what I would call actually being altruistic instead it is more self centered. Additionally to say you are moral because you fear an all knowing deity will punish you implies that you have no morality at all - none. It implies that you would murder, steal, etc and the only thing holding you back is your fear of god.
Okay, true in some cases, nothing like true in all, you are only looking at what you want to. I addressed this above already.
As far as what I have done, I am not like you pretending to be all wonderful and righteous for my petty contribution to humanity, I am aware of how much I have or haven't done for others and I don't claim to be good in any way, shape or form.
These people think god has a gun to thier head so to appease the almighty they do good in the hopes of eternal reward.
If I put a gun to your head and forced you to help someone are you being moral? Are you doing it to help people? Or to save your own ass first?
The whole thing is a sham. Truly moral people do not expect any reward instead of being coerced into doing good things. Truly moral people do not harm others even though they could do it and get away completely free with no punishment of any kind.
So you must be this great, truly moral person, it is heartwarming to know such a kind, respectful, open minded and unselfish individual exists. You forget that many Christians have had guns at their heads and are told if they deny their faith they will be set free, oh wait! How silly of me! They let someone kill them for all the money they would get! Yup! They did it for money, thank you oh wise one for making that clear.
Edelric bro, its the 21st century, torture is all but gone, this isnt the 10th century where you have vlad the impaler running around, and I am well aware of many torture devices, as strange as it sounds they interest me deeply, for example, the judas cradle, the Spanish donkey, the lead sprinkler, the metal pear, all are torture devices, all are interesting, impalement is the most interesting though, look up how vlad the impaler used to impale people, a genious in the art of physcopathic nature.
Ahahaha, torture is all but gone, that's rich. Clearly you have never left the states. There is a world outside of America you know.