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Re: A discussion about religion

I come into this world and then have a religion shuved down my throat as a child and am basically told that I need to quickly accept the religion, before it's too late! And of course most people comply. But i reject it and then am told im arrogant and delusional. Religion is absolutely false and disgusting. Because if the exact amd circumstance happens in another part of the world with a completely different religion and god. They'll say the exact same thing to me.

What i find interesting is people who say they believe in god and heaven and they are extremely afraid of death or will scream in terror and fear if someone is about to murder them. You all say you believe in god and a heaven, but you sure don't act like you do when your life is on the line.

If you stopped ageing and could live forever. At some point, even it took you a hundred years or a couple thousand years, you'd still end up killing yourself.

A fate worse then death is eternal life.

Re: A discussion about religion

Liviticus: "God doesn't allow bad things to happen at all, he just doesn't help where he's not accepted.

Too bad basically everyone that died in world war 2 believed in god. Yep, nothing bad happened to them. All those Jews that suffered greatly wanted to die and wanted suffering in their life. All their loved ones and friends in far away countries were completely fine with it. By going by what you've stated, the innocent, happy and friendly Jews who believed in god, decided not to welcome god anymore and so bad things came their way. You don't contradict yourself at all. Your completely correct. All your claims can't be debunked and are based on factual evidence.

I know your actually 100% serious about that statement, but i actually now consider you a troll.

Nobody should reply to this guy anymore. I equate his entire world view to a online forum troll.

Just a another deep seated religious person who is following one of the 1/10000s of gods and religions that their have been.

Just another religous person who expierences and says similar things that people have been said about the 10000s of other relgions and gods.

Just another common religous person who lives his life by ordinary words and thoughts.
All humans have to die at some point, are you saying that because you dont live forever God isnt real? Did it ever occur to you that they might have gone to a better place? That there was too much suffering on earth for the Jews at that time? NO YOU DID NOT!
I am a Moderator Need any help? Private message me here or send me a mail in-game, Liviticus on every world.

Re: A discussion about religion

Plus if he loved us so much why did he punish adam and eve and not satan?
Lol he did. Satan was the greatest of the angels. But then He challenged God. His pride made Him fall. God threw Him out of heaven. He punished Adam and Eve because they disobeyed. Satan deceived eve and Adam just walked into it. You have literally no argument here.
Psalm 46:10 He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."


Junior Journalist of the Dal Riata Daily Enquirer

Proud Clansman of Divergent

Re: A discussion about religion

The god of the bible states that homosexuals must be put to death. But you and most Christians will ignore it and makes up excuses.

Your god also says slavery is ok.

The bible has been used to justify why it's ok enslave people.

A typical excuse is, "oh that's the Old Testament".

Those Christian protesters that hold up signs are the actual decent Christians that don't ignore passages from the bible.

Your a Christian, your meant to agree with everything in the bible. Old Testament and New Testament.

Come on buddy, make up those excuses!

Could you point out where in the bible it says Slavery is not ok? Or even killing homosexuals?

What's the matter, can't find it?

By that way, when did i say that "if i don't live forever then god doesn't exist"? I was simply talking about how many people claim that they believe in heaven, yet don't act at all like it's true, when their life is on the line. There terrified.

Re: A discussion about religion

Your particular god is so pathetic, that it can't even prove to the majority of the world that it exists?

Oh Livitcus, i just love it how you say, "That there was too much suffering on earth for the Jews at that time?"

Yet right now, billions of people are doing it extremely tough.

And why would god single out innocent people in such large numbers and leave many of them to die a very slow and agnozing death?

All loving god! No contradictions at all.
Last edited by Demised on Thu Dec 19, 2013 4:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: A discussion about religion

The god of the bible states that homosexuals must be put to death. But you and most Christians will ignore it and makes up excuses.

Your god also says slavery is ok.

The bible has been used to justify why it's ok enslave people.

A typical excuse is, "oh that's the Old Testament".

Those Christian protesters that hold up signs saying "god hates ***" are the actual decent Christians that don't ignore passages from the bible.

Go to the Christian website godhatesfags.com.

Your a Christian, your meant to agree with everything in the bible. Old Testament and New Testament.

Come on buddy, make up those excuses!

Could you point out where in the bible it says Slavery is not ok? Or even killing homosexuals?

What's the matter, can't find it?

By that way, when did i say that "if i don't like forever then god doesn't exist"? I was simply talking about how many people claim that they believe in heaven, yet don't act at all like it's true, when their life is on the line. There terrified.
First of all u are obviously not a christian so how are u going to tell me what I believe.
Second of all, u speak of contradicting excuses u should look into ur own belief of evolution.
Third of all,(and in going to get blasted for this) slavery is not sin. It is how u treat ur slaves that matters. I believe that slavery is rather like alcohol; its not technically sin but it is better to stay away from it. I know this sounds wrong but u are right. The bible never says that slavery is wrong. It does however tell u not to mistreat ur slaves.
As for ur fourth objection about gays; I do believe that the Old Testament is true. But what u seem to misunderstand is that the law was just that; a law for a country. That law could only control and punish what u did on the outside. That law was meant for the Jewish nation to follow. But when Christ died, He took away the need for that law. We no longer need to sacrifice animals to cover our sins. I do not hate gays; u ridicule me for saying that the "greatest" scientific minds of the age are wrong. Well aren't u doing the same thing. Men who have studied the Bible for much longer than u have said this. The Old Testament law was meant for a society. It had good morals; many of which were used in the New Testament. There was a few differences. The New Testament was not meant to be a government; it was what u should do if u were a Christian. The Old Testament had consequences that a government would carry out. The New Testament had punishments that the church could dole out but the death sentence was not one of them. The only real punishment that i could think of was being made to leave the church. Do u kind of get my point? Maybe i haven't made myself clear.

But anyhow it is late and im going to turn in. Cya
Psalm 46:10 He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."


Junior Journalist of the Dal Riata Daily Enquirer

Proud Clansman of Divergent

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