Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Post Deleted?

So...Yesterday I made a topic on how I got 1k from icebound chests, and it is gone.

I am assuming it was deleted??
Last edited by Jonsa on Sat Dec 21, 2013 4:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
★ℚʊɛɛɳ øƒ Ғɑṩɧɪøɳ
iOS Player since 2011
Name: Killerado
World: Morrigan
I'm a Forums Guide, if you need help feel free to PM me
Rainbow Color
ケルトの戦士 (Keruto no senshi, Celtic Warriors)
Esquilax is the best!

Re: Post Deleted?

Its not only you. They have been going on a deleting spree. Deleting all most anything that preaches the truth about this game. Probs this post and comment will be deleted too. Its hard to play a game where we dont get treated properly. Just saying. You guys could be a little nicer, wont do you any harm infact itll just help the game out if you have happy players.
Corleone lvl 193 Warrior - Tank. Robbed of my items and forced to quit.
Hrungnir lvl 175 Warrior - Dps.

Ex - Elite


Re: Post Deleted?

I'm just not happy because the chest I opened had 1k in it...
★ℚʊɛɛɳ øƒ Ғɑṩɧɪøɳ
iOS Player since 2011
Name: Killerado
World: Morrigan
I'm a Forums Guide, if you need help feel free to PM me
Rainbow Color
ケルトの戦士 (Keruto no senshi, Celtic Warriors)
Esquilax is the best!

Re: Post Deleted?

Its not only you. They have been going on a deleting spree. Deleting all most anything that preaches the truth about this game. Probs this post and comment will be deleted too. Its hard to play a game where we dont get treated properly. Just saying. You guys could be a little nicer, wont do you any harm infact itll just help the game out if you have happy players.

Re: Post Deleted?

I also have been warned about posting negative criticism that is construed as disparaging or discrediting the game or the company. It is up to the moderators's subjective opinion that anything you post is against forum rules. I was also asked to stop derailing threads, i never realized i had the habit of doing so, i always post in reply to the OP or a comment that relates to the topic. There are worse posters who hijacks threads more often.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

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