Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Does Necro have loot ?

I have pictures of wut they look like but i cant get pics from a ipad on here. They are purple wepons like a purple dagger of slaying and others for each class


Rhiannon lvl 100+ druid TheHelper retired
Mabon lvl 130+ warrior Samsonvc retired
Taranis lvl 50ish warrior Samsonvc active :D

Re: Does Necro have loot ?

Yes, it has loot. Don't ask me how I know...

You don't know so I won't ask .

Look this is not a bashing thread at all , I am asking a simple straightforward question and I think we the ch community as a whole deserves a truthful answer , I would think Admin or Wulver would be more than happy to answer this question .

I guess if the question is simply ignored by otm staff , that means Necromancer has no loot yet .
Clan Avalon


Re: Does Necro have loot ?

It probably does. Admin has been suggesting it should be beatable and encouraging people to try. The game files for loot are already there - anyone who can view files can see them - OTM took no precautions to hide them.

This is opposed to hrung that admin said we shouldn't try. It turned our there was no loot table in that case.
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