Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Does Necro have loot ?

Please Admin or Wulver answer this very straightforward question .

Does the necromancer boss currenty have loot ?
Yes the encounter was fully itemised on the day of release.
Aren't you guys the least bit curious why no one has killed him yet? Mordris went down in about a month after that encounter was released.

If he is easier than Mordris as you guys claim, why hasn't there been any interest from OTM asking clans for feedback or visiting worlds to witness the fights?

He is a plat sink and you guys know it.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Does Necro have loot ?

Please Admin or Wulver answer this very straightforward question .

Does the necromancer boss currenty have loot ?
Yes the encounter was fully itemised on the day of release.
Aren't you guys the least bit curious why no one has killed him yet? Mordris went down in about a month after that encounter was released.

If he is easier than Mordris as you guys claim, why hasn't there been any interest from OTM asking clans for feedback or visiting worlds to witness the fights?

He is a plat sink and you guys know it.



Re: Does Necro have loot ?

We've been doing some detailed analysis on the fights and will be tweaking the encounter in the coming weeks. Bosses like this are definitely not designed as plat sinks, only the tiniest fraction of a percent of players take on these encounters, they are designed as challenges for the best of the best clans, and as such we see the loots as rewards for the hard effort it takes to level, gear up and organise to win the encounters. The goal for plat items really is for added convenience and time savings. The last thing we want is for players to be able to buy a boss kill which is why we added things like death penalty, idol and potion timers etc to stop this as much as possible without disrupting normal play

Re: Does Necro have loot ?

We've been doing some detailed analysis on the fights and will be tweaking the encounter in the coming weeks. Bosses like this are definitely not designed as plat sinks, only the tiniest fraction of a percent of players take on these encounters, they are designed as challenges for the best of the best clans, and as such we see the loots as rewards for the hard effort it takes to level, gear up and organise to win the encounters. The goal for plat items really is for added convenience and time savings. The last thing we want is for players to be able to buy a boss kill which is why we added things like death penalty, idol and potion timers etc to stop this as much as possible without disrupting normal play
wow you actually replied to that, thats a first, good job richard
Server: Arawn
Player: Phyzem:216Rogue
Player: Krypto:187-Rogue
Clan: Unit

Re: Does Necro have loot ?

We've been doing some detailed analysis on the fights and will be tweaking the encounter in the coming weeks.
Could you give us an date yet on the nerf or is it gonna be a long wait? I really want him downed as soon as possible
Corleone lvl 193 Warrior - Tank. Robbed of my items and forced to quit.
Hrungnir lvl 175 Warrior - Dps.

Ex - Elite


Re: Does Necro have loot ?

Will be live most likely in 2 weeks, want to make sure the changes are done carefully and are well tested.
If you do make these changes, and if it is true that the necro is a plat sink, then you won't just be changing his stats, but will also have to make items for it to drop which wouldn't have been there before.

Re: Does Necro have loot ?

I am not sure what to think right now, I do not want to believe that OTM is just ripping us off, but everything would suggest that. Why is 500% + worth of sigils required to play a high level mage or druid? You say that platinum is for extra convenience?!? LMOA! You try leveling, bossing, without any plat. Plat items are required to play this game. The corromore lux shop was nerfed, you said it was a bug that was going to be fixed and I'm not sure if it has, but it would make sense that you would purposely nerf it to take gold out of circulation.

Yes the encounter was fully itemised on the day of release.
Aren't you guys the least bit curious why no one has killed him yet? Mordris went down in about a month after that encounter was released.

If he is easier than Mordris as you guys claim, why hasn't there been any interest from OTM asking clans for feedback or visiting worlds to witness the fights?

He is a plat sink and you guys know it.
I would tend to believe that it is all true, yet only you know. I do think this game has lots of potential, but a lot of things have to be fixed.

I am sure that this post will be deleted or this topic locked.

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