Energy and information cannot be created or destroyed. This is empirically true in the short term and it isn't a bad extrapolation to say that won't ever change. However there is no real evidence I am aware of that can show this is indefinitely true. It is a good guess.I never said there are no other options besides a 'Christian non catholic god', I said that something being eternal makes it a god by my definition. Remember I defined a god as an existence operation outside the laws of physics of this universe. I am saying that the laws of the universe do not permit anything to be eternal, and anything outside of the laws of this universe is classified as a god because we cannot classify it or understand it any other way. We lack the ability to measure eternity. Simple logic says that if a=b and b=c then a=c, so if eternal=outside of the laws of the universe and outside of the laws of the universe=god, then eternal=god. I don't know where you are pulling all this bearded man in the sky crap from, but stop changing things I say to something else.There are plenty of other options besides a 'Christian non catholic god'. In fact infinite.That is my point exactly, nothing can exist eternally inside the laws of this universe, but there has to be an eternity, our universe has to be eternal or has to have came from something eternal, I am arguing that something being eternal makes it a god because there is no other option.
It depends on how you slice the universe as to what is inside it. Anything before would also be just another part of the universe. Outside the visible universe is just the universe also. It may be that all possibility is connected we just don't have evidence one way or the other as of today.
Evidence for mathematics is that it was present and functioning at the beginning of time from out perspective. This implies that it could also be outside of our time frame. It is definitely not constrained to our reality as it is an abstract set axioms and logical functions. It is not man made as man was not around at the beginning of time. It can be unearthed and discovered only.
Evidence of god if you are going to make that claim please.
As I said what we see may be simply the eternal truth of extremely simple logical rules. No magic sky beard man who cares so much about where you put your wang required.
Also I have said before, mathematics is just a system ("language" if you will) expressing the way the laws in our universe work, or should work ideally. Numbers and functions are concepts, there is no such thing as a 2 outside of our minds. And there is no way for our universe as it exists now to have always existed or be the only thing that exists or for everything that exists outside of our universe to be governed by the same laws. Our universe is not sufficient on its own, unless there was a time where its current laws were not in effect, it cannot exist without something outside of it existing capable of breaking its laws.
On a different note, what school did you earn your degree at? I am a Biochemistry major at Kettering and they offer your degree.
I think you may be misrepresenting mathematics in your post. The universe functions so exactly according to some specific applied mathematics but it would be hard to argue that all mathematics comes from physical laws. In fact mathematics in general is more diverse than applied mathematics in the field of physics. So you essentially have it backwards. Mathematics in physics is a subset of mathematics not the other way around.
This brings us to the fact that the universe functions according to simple laws. Well the laws are simple but much like the rules of go the actual possibilities are far more complex and nuanced. So while concepts like '2' do exist in our head they also exist outside it as well as it is patently ridiculous to say that without people thinking about it the universe wouldn't exist. Quite mean to dolphins. Obviously there were interactions of 2 particles so while the concept wasn't necessarily in any intelligent entities brain or thoughts the equivalent was being played out in reality.
Virtually no one would call mathematics a god. If you do then that's fine but it can be confusing since that is highly unconventional.