Celtic Heroes

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Meteoric quest GLITCHED!

Been asking for help for months now and not even a single response, please answer for the love of god and all that is holy.

Here's the whole story:

My sister has a character named Comet and this is where the glitch is taking place. She had the old weapon quest from U3 and I sent in a ticket for her to have it changed to the new one, she was only level 64 but I was told that people who had the quests would be able to freely finish them just as they could before. They changed the quest but in turn completely glitched it and we were unable to do anything with the quest. After sending another ticket we were told that we should level to 105 to do the quest, no bother. My sister is now 107, unable to do the quest. We've been sending in tickets for nearly 2 months now and not even a single response. This is a game changing bug and is severely slowing down your players who are experiencing this bug and I can guarantee you there are more of them.

TL;DR version
Meteoric weapon quest glitched on old accounts like my sister Comet, fix them please.

[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]

Re: Meteoric quest GLITCHED!

This is why I made a new account (probably won't work).
This isn't an option to be considered whatsoever, a mistake by the company means that we have to start all over again? How hard is it to drop a half of a fallen star into a character's bank?

[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]

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