I received $100.00 for Christmas and a new iPhone 5s. I have played this game on my iPad for a long time, and I am assuming that the purchase would be beneficial.
Should I do $100 Plat purchase? Or should I do $50 Plat purchase and resell? Or do $20 Plat purchase and resell? I just want a sample of opinions, thank you.
Re: Should I?
#2none of the above, enjoy the game as a free player and don't expect to be getting rich off plat unless if you have over 400$ :3
Re: Should I?
#3I suggest dont waste it on this game, cause once you start buying plat it becomes a need to use it later on. With 100 dollars of plat you can maybe get 2 mill by selling chests, it isnt much once you truly understand how much you need plat at higher lvls. Once you buy some, it becomes an endless loop of buying and buying. Dont get drawn into it. Save you're money
Corleone lvl 193 Warrior - Tank. Robbed of my items and forced to quit.
Hrungnir lvl 175 Warrior - Dps.
Ex - Elite
Hrungnir lvl 175 Warrior - Dps.
Ex - Elite
Re: Should I?
#4Ok, here's the thing, i got 100 dollar itunes for christmas to. I split the 4k plat with my brother. We each got 700k. We were able to buy star talisman, ring of souls, 2 haste rings. Earth talisman, and a ring of souls. Now we have no problem with regening. So everything we wanted is now bought. Btw, we sold ice chests 15k ea. so i would get 50 dollar platnuim. If u have nothing else to buy with itunes, than get 100 dollar itunes. Hope this helped:)
Re: Should I?
#5Oh, and im not thinking about buying platnuim any time soon, have all that i need for a long time.
Re: Should I?
#8Well, I would suggest IF you do buy any plat, buy $100...anything cheaper isnt worth the money to plat ratio. $100 gives much more for the buck

Re: Should I?
#9Be careful of buying 100$ plat because of sales tax, so it will be over 100$.

Re: Should I?
#10Don't waste your money on platinum, you will later feel forced to play this game since you spent money on it and that's not a good feeling when game gets boring. Spend it elsewhere