So... I have aquestion or possibly a series of questions.
To what extent does a god control the universe? There are processes everywhere. Some small and some large. It seems that anything large and hard to understand is attributed to a god but the small things like water is just a normal insignificant cycle.
However, if existence really is just one process outiside of god's control, what is the purpose of god? Is it to make us seem somewhat significant in the universe? Did we, humans, create a god out of fear of being just an insignificant spec in the universe. Just one intelligent species out of thousands of other species that may exist and may even possess greater intelligence.
Am i allowed to tell you what Christians believe? If not then i cnt answer ur last question. God controls everything. Or I should say everything goes according to His plan. We cannot surprise God. We are definately not outside Gods control. And may i ask a question? What us evolution but an excuse not to need God; in other words you could say that evolution was "discovered" in order to make us feel independent. I think that evolution was thought up because Charles Darwin and Co. Did not want to believe in God; not because it made sense. No offense
You may tell me whatever you wish. I have no reason to be offended.
What exactly is God's plan? This enquiry is genuine curiosity with no intention to insult. If fate is set in stone to one big plan, would that not contradict free will. What is the purpose of free will if what was, is, and will be is forever determined?
Your perception for the development of evolution is not entirely correct. Yes, it could be seen as an alternative to pure creation but I do not believe it is. In fact, this thread has already come to a general understanding that evolution is independent of the existence of god.
Charles Darwin did not go out seeking to disprove god. He believed in god before investigating his idea of natural selection and after his visit to the Galápagos Islands he
still believed in god. His belief was modified but not destroyed. He sought out an answer to his question, not an alternative to god. Such is the nature of life, to ask a question and then to seek out an answer and as Dersu's quote put it, you do not seek out an answer to remain happy. You seek out an answer to be satisfied in understanding just a tad bit more about life and the nature of the universe.