Then what is the need for humans to worship him (it, whatever.)? Why must the complexity of the universe be represented in such a human way? That, in my opinion, does not seem correct.
The universe seems to be just one large process independent of any intelligent management. When I see smaller cycles and processes, I think: why not expand this idea to life? Life is a process. Our environment is a process. We can see that events can occur without any entity interfering.
People have expressed that humanity has free will. Well, what if the universe has complete free will? What proof exists that would show that we (the human race) are special, not unique but special, and that religion is only a way to explain phenomena in a human way?
I am probably writing this out in a much too confusing manner. The above is more my opinion, not something that really be proven correct or incorrect...
What do you mean by the "need" for humans to worship him (or it)? Its is never said in the Bible that god needs us to worship him, there are just many examples of people awed by "his works" and are moved to worship him. I'm not certain if you were asking anything else here so I apologize if I answered the wrong question.
If I was a god creating a universe I would make it capable of running on its own. It only makes sense that an intelligent designer would create a universe with logical processes and cycles if he was going to make one.
We don't really have any indication that the universe is sentient or has a will of its own, or really that anything other than humans have sentience, but you can certainly consider it.
Again I apologize if I am replying to the wrong question and you meant something else.