There are no contradictions in the bible. Period. It's funny. You try and use the Bible against me. Well the bible also says that God will give you no temptation beyond which you are able to withstand. Homosexuality is wrong. If you want to call me a bigot for saying it thats fine. I do not hate people because they are homo. I do not fear people because they are homo. Adam and Eve had a choice. They were not dumb. They talked with the wisest being every day. Who knows what they learned. I dnt know how much they knew but i don't think they were the poor, totally gullible machines you make them out to be.First take a look here :
It means you are a bigot if you distrust - view them in contempt- Or are intolerant of - or are prejudiced against someone's sexual orientation. So yes it is a bigoted comment. Christians, especially evangelicals, are the biggest anti-gay bigot group around.
You still haven't addressed the point god made them gay then watches them squirm as the try not to be as god made them.
Second I am asserting they did not know what good or evil was as that is what the story claims - they would gain this if they ate from the tree. Eve was convinced by gods creation because she had no knowledge of good or bad. Adam simply ate it because eve presented it. There is a logical fallacy at work here - it is obvious whoever wrote the story that it wasn't well thought through. God obviously created them incapable of rationalizing it yet 'tested' them and it was an obvious result. Not sure why god would need to test given omniscience and omnipotence but that could be a seperate discussion.
Third there are two somewhat conflicting genesis stories obviously written by two different people - likely hundreds of years apart. Both play in closely to earlier myths but that can be another topic. Either adam and eve were made at the same time or not. There is some question if Adam was simply given dominion over the plants and animals in Eden or something else. The order of creation differs between the two. Both can't be 100% correct - tell me which is the real one. (that's a trick question btw).
You say that the bible is false. Well give me one historical or scientific fact that the bible states that has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt wrong.[/quote]
Here's a scientific fact, humans are one of the very very few species who takes pleasure in having sex. And if God didn't want a man to have another mans anus drilled in, he wouldn't have made that man find more pleasure in finding men more attractive, because even if you teach a man that killing is wrong, and he goes off to the army and kills a man for the first time and feels good about it, he will keep doing it, same with homosexuals, you can tell them all their childhood they are going to hell, and as soon as they find that one guy to do it with, they'll stay with them.
Why would God give men and women the sense to make sex pleasurable and then tell them it's only right in marriage, or that you can't cheat when you are married, and then goes off to tell Onan to get someone pregnant, commiting adultery, and then KILLS HIM FOR NOT SINNING. Or kill off a few 200,000 people over David's census, when David himself is the only one who should've been punished, and now we do a census like its no ones business, why doesn't god kill us all off for it?
Thing that bothers me the most is, people in a religion break the religions rules or can't "agree with it all". There's people like the Mormons who take it seriously and treat their body like a temple, then there's the Christians who think if you sin, all you need to do is confess and everything will be better, or homosexuals that are Christian when there's really no point in being in a religion that thinks your lucifer's minion. And for your info, there's a lot of contradictions in the bible, such as all the incest, the gray areas where god orders people to kill each other, and god killing the world over and saving a drunk guy and his family because everyone liked to sin. so your telling me he will not tempt us into something we can't resist, yet make us feel good over sinning, set the tracks to people having a reason to rape other (WE DIDNT NEED TO HAVE OUR MINDS FIND PLEASURE IN SEX) and saying to love everyone no matter what... except the gays...
And for the last time, Adam and Eve didn't know right from wrong, are you going to kill a baby because it it found a gun and shot it at someone when it doesn't know what happens when you pull the trigger, or are you going to hang your kid because you told them not to read books about cinnamon roll and he disobeyed you because his older sibling said it was all right. Tell me how that works out for you