Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: A discussion about religion

First take a look here :
It means you are a bigot if you distrust - view them in contempt- Or are intolerant of - or are prejudiced against someone's sexual orientation. So yes it is a bigoted comment. Christians, especially evangelicals, are the biggest anti-gay bigot group around.

You still haven't addressed the point god made them gay then watches them squirm as the try not to be as god made them.

Second I am asserting they did not know what good or evil was as that is what the story claims - they would gain this if they ate from the tree. Eve was convinced by gods creation because she had no knowledge of good or bad. Adam simply ate it because eve presented it. There is a logical fallacy at work here - it is obvious whoever wrote the story that it wasn't well thought through. God obviously created them incapable of rationalizing it yet 'tested' them and it was an obvious result. Not sure why god would need to test given omniscience and omnipotence but that could be a seperate discussion.

Third there are two somewhat conflicting genesis stories obviously written by two different people - likely hundreds of years apart. Both play in closely to earlier myths but that can be another topic. Either adam and eve were made at the same time or not. There is some question if Adam was simply given dominion over the plants and animals in Eden or something else. The order of creation differs between the two. Both can't be 100% correct - tell me which is the real one. (that's a trick question btw).
There are no contradictions in the bible. Period. It's funny. You try and use the Bible against me. Well the bible also says that God will give you no temptation beyond which you are able to withstand. Homosexuality is wrong. If you want to call me a bigot for saying it thats fine. I do not hate people because they are homo. I do not fear people because they are homo. Adam and Eve had a choice. They were not dumb. They talked with the wisest being every day. Who knows what they learned. I dnt know how much they knew but i don't think they were the poor, totally gullible machines you make them out to be.

You say that the bible is false. Well give me one historical or scientific fact that the bible states that has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt wrong.[/quote]

Here's a scientific fact, humans are one of the very very few species who takes pleasure in having sex. And if God didn't want a man to have another mans anus drilled in, he wouldn't have made that man find more pleasure in finding men more attractive, because even if you teach a man that killing is wrong, and he goes off to the army and kills a man for the first time and feels good about it, he will keep doing it, same with homosexuals, you can tell them all their childhood they are going to hell, and as soon as they find that one guy to do it with, they'll stay with them.

Why would God give men and women the sense to make sex pleasurable and then tell them it's only right in marriage, or that you can't cheat when you are married, and then goes off to tell Onan to get someone pregnant, commiting adultery, and then KILLS HIM FOR NOT SINNING. Or kill off a few 200,000 people over David's census, when David himself is the only one who should've been punished, and now we do a census like its no ones business, why doesn't god kill us all off for it?

Thing that bothers me the most is, people in a religion break the religions rules or can't "agree with it all". There's people like the Mormons who take it seriously and treat their body like a temple, then there's the Christians who think if you sin, all you need to do is confess and everything will be better, or homosexuals that are Christian when there's really no point in being in a religion that thinks your lucifer's minion. And for your info, there's a lot of contradictions in the bible, such as all the incest, the gray areas where god orders people to kill each other, and god killing the world over and saving a drunk guy and his family because everyone liked to sin. so your telling me he will not tempt us into something we can't resist, yet make us feel good over sinning, set the tracks to people having a reason to rape other (WE DIDNT NEED TO HAVE OUR MINDS FIND PLEASURE IN SEX) and saying to love everyone no matter what... except the gays...

And for the last time, Adam and Eve didn't know right from wrong, are you going to kill a baby because it it found a gun and shot it at someone when it doesn't know what happens when you pull the trigger, or are you going to hang your kid because you told them not to read books about cinnamon roll and he disobeyed you because his older sibling said it was all right. Tell me how that works out for you

Re: A discussion about religion

First take a look here :
It means you are a bigot if you distrust - view them in contempt- Or are intolerant of - or are prejudiced against someone's sexual orientation. So yes it is a bigoted comment. Christians, especially evangelicals, are the biggest anti-gay bigot group around.

You still haven't addressed the point god made them gay then watches them squirm as the try not to be as god made them.

Second I am asserting they did not know what good or evil was as that is what the story claims - they would gain this if they ate from the tree. Eve was convinced by gods creation because she had no knowledge of good or bad. Adam simply ate it because eve presented it. There is a logical fallacy at work here - it is obvious whoever wrote the story that it wasn't well thought through. God obviously created them incapable of rationalizing it yet 'tested' them and it was an obvious result. Not sure why god would need to test given omniscience and omnipotence but that could be a seperate discussion.

Third there are two somewhat conflicting genesis stories obviously written by two different people - likely hundreds of years apart. Both play in closely to earlier myths but that can be another topic. Either adam and eve were made at the same time or not. There is some question if Adam was simply given dominion over the plants and animals in Eden or something else. The order of creation differs between the two. Both can't be 100% correct - tell me which is the real one. (that's a trick question btw).
There are no contradictions in the bible. Period. It's funny. You try and use the Bible against me. Well the bible also says that God will give you no temptation beyond which you are able to withstand. Homosexuality is wrong. If you want to call me a bigot for saying it thats fine. I do not hate people because they are homo. I do not fear people because they are homo. Adam and Eve had a choice. They were not dumb. They talked with the wisest being every day. Who knows what they learned. I dnt know how much they knew but i don't think they were the poor, totally gullible machines you make them out to be.

You say that the bible is false. Well give me one historical or scientific fact that the bible states that has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt wrong.

Here's a scientific fact, humans are one of the very very few species who takes pleasure in having sex. And if God didn't want a man to have another mans anus drilled in, he wouldn't have made that man find more pleasure in finding men more attractive, because even if you teach a man that killing is wrong, and he goes off to the army and kills a man for the first time and feels good about it, he will keep doing it, same with homosexuals, you can tell them all their childhood they are going to hell, and as soon as they find that one guy to do it with, they'll stay with them.

Why would God give men and women the sense to make sex pleasurable and then tell them it's only right in marriage, or that you can't cheat when you are married, and then goes off to tell Onan to get someone pregnant, commiting adultery, and then KILLS HIM FOR NOT SINNING. Or kill off a few 200,000 people over David's census, when David himself is the only one who should've been punished, and now we do a census like its no ones business, why doesn't god kill us all off for it?

Thing that bothers me the most is, people in a religion break the religions rules or can't "agree with it all". There's people like the Mormons who take it seriously and treat their body like a temple, then there's the Christians who think if you sin, all you need to do is confess and everything will be better, or homosexuals that are Christian when there's really no point in being in a religion that thinks your lucifer's minion. And for your info, there's a lot of contradictions in the bible, such as all the incest, the gray areas where god orders people to kill each other, and god killing the world over and saving a drunk guy and his family because everyone liked to sin. so your telling me he will not tempt us into something we can't resist, yet make us feel good over sinning, set the tracks to people having a reason to rape other (WE DIDNT NEED TO HAVE OUR MINDS FIND PLEASURE IN SEX) and saying to love everyone no matter what... except the gays...

And for the last time, Adam and Eve didn't know right from wrong, are you going to kill a baby because it it found a gun and shot it at someone when it doesn't know what happens when you pull the trigger, or are you going to hang your kid because you told them not to read books about cinnamon roll and he disobeyed you because his older sibling said it was all right. Tell me how that works out for you[/quote]

Ok the first thing to replie to would be onan. He would not have committed adultery. His brother was dead. Gods law for the Jews stated that if ur bro died without children then u should have a child with his wife(in marriage) so that ur brothers line would not end. Onan directly disobeyed God in this matter and was punished. As for Adam and Eve, they knew that God was the creator. Further more they knew that satan was not the creator. This may sound weird but right and wrong is different than good and evil. They knew right from wrong. They knew that God was the creator and that they should obey Him. Killing people in war or for commiting a crime is different than killing people in murder or in cold-blood. Also when does God order someone to commit incest? (There may be certain instances, but these cn be explained easily enough). God made it so that we have marriage. But look what happens when people have intercourse without marriage(std's if ur wondering). Married people who saved themselves for marriage do not have these problems. As i have said before, i do not hate gays(also no true Christian that i know( that i knw of) hates gays. The reason God punished David for the census was because he was being prideful. He was relieing on himself and not god. But this is not a contradiction.

But the real question is: who was Jesus; he was either a liar, a lunatic, or 'gasp' telling the truth. This comes from the book evidence that demands a verdict by josh McDowell. If he was a liar then he was a hypocrite for telling others to be honest. He would also be a demon, because he told others to trust him with their eternal destinies. If he could not back up these claims and knew it then he was unspeakably evil. Lastly he would be a fool because they executed him for claiming to be God. Someone who lived, taught, and died as Jesus did could not have been a liar.
Was he a lunatic? Again the way he lived his life and the things he said prove that this is not right. There is nothing in any of the things he said that implies that he was nuts.

He claimed to be God. He is either a liar, lunatic, or Lord. The evidence says that he is lord.

I encourage you to read this book and see if you cn refute it.
Psalm 46:10 He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."


Junior Journalist of the Dal Riata Daily Enquirer

Proud Clansman of Divergent

Re: A discussion about religion

I am composing a massive point that will "cream" all Christians, first, you call us close minded, when you would quickly disbelieve in any other god, what is your opinion on the god zeus? on the god osiris? on the god jupiter? and you have the nuts to call us close minded? If you bring me proof of your bull religion I will gladly believe your god, and you refer to your intelligent design/creationism as a theory to try to get on the same page as us, not even in the same literary, a scientific theory is something backed up by solid hard evidence, of which Christianity has none. It has some good idealistics, but no reality to it. Also the argument of "there is a lack of disproving evidence" there is a lack of disproving evidence to flying unicorns. You believe in flying unicorns? Heck no. If you can dis-prove a flying unicorn I will play your game and dis-prove your god. The "holy man" the so called "good guy" in the little devil vs god fight. Killed millions, and not even millions now, he killed millions when the population was in millions. And the idea of "hell is a place with a lack of god" what happened to god is everywhere? What happened to the omnipresent being? Last time I checked, omnipresent meant he is EVERYWHERE. God is a devote supporter of slavery, a supporter of hate and shunning of others. You Christians force your sick ideas onto us. And non-Christians are shunned, killed even. Do atheists kill Christians? No. Because we are higher. The metaphorical bigger man. Take a ride down the Bible Belt in a car saying "gays rule" see how many farmers take their shotguns and take a few pot-shots at you. Cos guess what? The good people of Top Gear already did it. They were chased by a gang wagon of farmers, shooting to kill. This is the crazy unfathomable your kind does. Not all Christians. Some can be delightful, however. More often than not they force their ideas onto you. Jehovah's witnesses use a form of mind manipulation to take you into their religion, I know, my cousin used to work there, they take you in and show you love to entice you. Almost like a minor celebrity, then. If you don't go door knocking you are referred to as weak or spiritually weak. Powerful words to bully you into doing it. You also ask us "where do you get your morality from" the answer is we all have morals, I would hope a book isnt the only thing keeping you from going out and mugging someone. Also you say "you're gonna go to hell" so your god punishes people for asking honest questions? Wow. What a ***. This dude seems like more of a dictator by the minute. Your god has given me this mind to use and you are asking me to close it when it comes to religion. The very thing he made us to follow!?!? And btw the "you just have to have faith" argument is used when I seem to have stumped a christian, its a cop out way of saying "there is no answer I just believe it because it makes me feel good" which is the stupidest reason to believe anything. Explain to me why your god is different to the thousands of others, what validates your god over others? I was religious in the beginning, then like loads of other people I realised the bullcrap. I can almost guarantee you if you ask an atheist about the bible, they will know more about it than a random christian you will pull off the street. We talk about this stuff. A survey was actually done to show atheists understand the bible better. Of course its not a certainty, there is exceptions. But as a general rule. Atheists understand all religions better, we rlly think about this stuff you know, so we, reasonably, know more. Mainly, we know the holes in the religion too. Here is a question for Christians, have you ever read the holy books from other religions? Open your mind. You dismiss those religions but when I dismiss those its suddenly such a big deal. And what atheist books have you read?

Re: A discussion about religion

I am composing a massive point that will "cream" all Christians, first, you call us close minded, when you would quickly disbelieve in any other god, what is your opinion on the god zeus? on the god osiris? on the god jupiter? and you have the nuts to call us close minded? If you bring me proof of your bull religion I will gladly believe your god, and you refer to your intelligent design/creationism as a theory to try to get on the same page as us, not even in the same literary, a scientific theory is something backed up by solid hard evidence, of which Christianity has none. It has some good idealistics, but no reality to it. Also the argument of "there is a lack of disproving evidence" there is a lack of disproving evidence to flying unicorns. You believe in flying unicorns? Heck no. If you can dis-prove a flying unicorn I will play your game and dis-prove your god. The "holy man" the so called "good guy" in the little devil vs god fight. Killed millions, and not even millions now, he killed millions when the population was in millions. And the idea of "hell is a place with a lack of god" what happened to god is everywhere? What happened to the omnipresent being? Last time I checked, omnipresent meant he is EVERYWHERE. God is a devote supporter of slavery, a supporter of hate and shunning of others. You Christians force your sick ideas onto us. And non-Christians are shunned, killed even. Do atheists kill Christians? No. Because we are higher. The metaphorical bigger man. Take a ride down the Bible Belt in a car saying "gays rule" see how many farmers take their shotguns and take a few pot-shots at you. Cos guess what? The good people of Top Gear already did it. They were chased by a gang wagon of farmers, shooting to kill. This is the crazy **** your kind does. Not all Christians. Some can be delightful, however. More often than not they force their ideas onto you. Jehovah's witnesses use a form of mind manipulation to take you into their religion, I know, my cousin used to work there, they take you in and show you love to entice you. Almost like a minor celebrity, then. If you don't go door knocking you are referred to as weak or spiritually weak. Powerful words to bully you into doing it. You also ask us "where do you get your morality from" the answer is we all have morals, I would hope a book isnt the only thing keeping you from going out and mugging someone. Also you say "you're gonna go to hell" so your god punishes people for asking honest questions? Wow. What a ****. This dude seems like more of a dictator by the minute. Your god has given me this mind to use and you are asking me to close it when it comes to religion. The very thing he made us to follow!?!? And btw the "you just have to have faith" argument is used when I seem to have stumped a christian, its a cop out way of saying "there is no answer I just believe it because it makes me feel good" which is the stupidest reason to believe anything. Explain to me why your god is different to the thousands of others, what validates your god over others? I was religious in the beginning, then like loads of other people I realised the bullcrap. I can almost guarantee you if you ask an atheist about the bible, they will know more about it than a random christian you will pull off the street. We talk about this stuff. A survey was actually done to show atheists understand the bible better. Of course its not a certainty, there is exceptions. But as a general rule. Atheists understand all religions better, we rlly think about this stuff you know, so we, reasonably, know more. Mainly, we know the holes in the religion too. Here is a question for Christians, have you ever read the holy books from other religions? Open your mind. You dismiss those religions but when I dismiss those its suddenly such a big deal. And what atheist books have you read?
Trick question! Atheist don't have a book because they've all been shot by a boastful Christian farmer before they finished the last page!

Re: A discussion about religion

I'm closed to non factual views, views that can't be supported by logical argument, and views that are obviously founded on nothing but belief and yet are portrayed as factual - this includes views from authority outside the first two points. Yes. Other than that I am extremely open to ideas. In fact I helplessly go where the facts reveal actual truth. Something everyone should do.

Athiests tend to be smarter (intellectual quotient wise) and far more informed of religious writings and facts than religious people. This is only a statistical fact though, it is not factual about any particular individual.

And yes after 50 pages it's obvious facts and logical argument get us no where at all.

Everyone judges events even if they consciously try not to. If you want we can have a discussion about the statement above but I doubt you will like it.
This topic is a discussion, so we can go ahead and discuss it.

And yes, it is obvious that we will get you no where even with nearly every poster who is active on this thread disagreeing with you or your methods except one 14 year old, you still refuse to budge. You can try pointing at yourself for once, you are so ready to point at everyone else s problems.
I have no problem accepting facts and truth. Why not try 'pointing' at problems I may have. Good luck because I don't accept factless belief so there is little if any to debunk. Any factless belief I do have is insubstantial to me. I actually welcome it as if I am in fact incorrect I would like to know. Not like my not knowing alters reality. Nor does it matter if no one agrees on some mmorpg forum. You are the one having to live with reality denial.
Since you asked:

Your statement is a lie, you do not only accept "facts", you accept whatever is spoon fed into your brain. It is obvious that, despite your bragging about an engineering major, you are educated beyond your intelligence. I have realized that you do not see a problem with your thinking because you do not want to, it is because you are not capable of understanding.

My main problem, and also the problem the moderators and many other users have pointed out, is not your point of view, you are entitled to that. My problem with you is your approach. You posted on a discussion forum with no intention of actually discussing anything. You only want to insult others and push your views. You claim you don't but everything you have said is proof otherwise. You do not listen to what people say. You do not answer questions, you pick at details and try to make smart comments, then you claim that you are right and you claim that you have presented proof when you have given nothing.
You say you welcome your problems being pointed out but you do not, you won't even regard what I have said for a second, you will come up with some smart alek response and think you are so intelligent and victorious while proving your own ignorance.

And you keep saying reality denial as if you have some concept of reality.

Re: A discussion about religion

I am composing a massive point that will "cream" all Christians, first, you call us close minded, when you would quickly disbelieve in any other god, what is your opinion on the god zeus? on the god osiris? on the god jupiter? and you have the nuts to call us close minded? If you bring me proof of your bull religion I will gladly believe your god, and you refer to your intelligent design/creationism as a theory to try to get on the same page as us, not even in the same literary, a scientific theory is something backed up by solid hard evidence, of which Christianity has none. It has some good idealistics, but no reality to it. Also the argument of "there is a lack of disproving evidence" there is a lack of disproving evidence to flying unicorns. You believe in flying unicorns? Heck no. If you can dis-prove a flying unicorn I will play your game and dis-prove your god. The "holy man" the so called "good guy" in the little devil vs god fight. Killed millions, and not even millions now, he killed millions when the population was in millions. And the idea of "hell is a place with a lack of god" what happened to god is everywhere? What happened to the omnipresent being? Last time I checked, omnipresent meant he is EVERYWHERE. God is a devote supporter of slavery, a supporter of hate and shunning of others. You Christians force your sick ideas onto us. And non-Christians are shunned, killed even. Do atheists kill Christians? No. Because we are higher. The metaphorical bigger man. Take a ride down the Bible Belt in a car saying "gays rule" see how many farmers take their shotguns and take a few pot-shots at you. Cos guess what? The good people of Top Gear already did it. They were chased by a gang wagon of farmers, shooting to kill. This is the crazy **** your kind does. Not all Christians. Some can be delightful, however. More often than not they force their ideas onto you. Jehovah's witnesses use a form of mind manipulation to take you into their religion, I know, my cousin used to work there, they take you in and show you love to entice you. Almost like a minor celebrity, then. If you don't go door knocking you are referred to as weak or spiritually weak. Powerful words to bully you into doing it. You also ask us "where do you get your morality from" the answer is we all have morals, I would hope a book isnt the only thing keeping you from going out and mugging someone. Also you say "you're gonna go to hell" so your god punishes people for asking honest questions? Wow. What a ****. This dude seems like more of a dictator by the minute. Your god has given me this mind to use and you are asking me to close it when it comes to religion. The very thing he made us to follow!?!? And btw the "you just have to have faith" argument is used when I seem to have stumped a christian, its a cop out way of saying "there is no answer I just believe it because it makes me feel good" which is the stupidest reason to believe anything. Explain to me why your god is different to the thousands of others, what validates your god over others? I was religious in the beginning, then like loads of other people I realised the bullcrap. I can almost guarantee you if you ask an atheist about the bible, they will know more about it than a random christian you will pull off the street. We talk about this stuff. A survey was actually done to show atheists understand the bible better. Of course its not a certainty, there is exceptions. But as a general rule. Atheists understand all religions better, we rlly think about this stuff you know, so we, reasonably, know more. Mainly, we know the holes in the religion too. Here is a question for Christians, have you ever read the holy books from other religions? Open your mind. You dismiss those religions but when I dismiss those its suddenly such a big deal. And what atheist books have you read?
Trick question! Atheist don't have a book because they've all been shot by a boastful Christian farmer before they finished the last page!
What is this supposed to be? This is another emotional response referring to a specific indecent. There are plenty of atheists in the world. Rather than trying to smart talk like a rebellious highschooler, why don't you say something useful?

Re: A discussion about religion

As far as homosexuality, you are not born homosexual, you choose to be homosexual. Your arguments about God making people homosexual so he can watch them suffer are invalid.

Why does the Bible's God ban homosexuality and adultery? STD s (duh)
American High schools are a cesspool of STD s now.

The Biblical take on homosexual relationships is that they are wrong the same way adulterous relationships are wrong.

I will only give me personal opinion on homosexuality if it is asked for.

Re: A discussion about religion

I am composing a massive point that will "cream" all Christians, first, you call us close minded, when you would quickly disbelieve in any other god, what is your opinion on the god zeus? on the god osiris? on the god jupiter? and you have the nuts to call us close minded? If you bring me proof of your bull religion I will gladly believe your god, and you refer to your intelligent design/creationism as a theory to try to get on the same page as us, not even in the same literary, a scientific theory is something backed up by solid hard evidence, of which Christianity has none. It has some good idealistics, but no reality to it. Also the argument of "there is a lack of disproving evidence" there is a lack of disproving evidence to flying unicorns. You believe in flying unicorns? Heck no. If you can dis-prove a flying unicorn I will play your game and dis-prove your god. The "holy man" the so called "good guy" in the little devil vs god fight. Killed millions, and not even millions now, he killed millions when the population was in millions. And the idea of "hell is a place with a lack of god" what happened to god is everywhere? What happened to the omnipresent being? Last time I checked, omnipresent meant he is EVERYWHERE. God is a devote supporter of slavery, a supporter of hate and shunning of others. You Christians force your sick ideas onto us. And non-Christians are shunned, killed even. Do atheists kill Christians? No. Because we are higher. The metaphorical bigger man. Take a ride down the Bible Belt in a car saying "gays rule" see how many farmers take their shotguns and take a few pot-shots at you. Cos guess what? The good people of Top Gear already did it. They were chased by a gang wagon of farmers, shooting to kill. This is the crazy **** your kind does. Not all Christians. Some can be delightful, however. More often than not they force their ideas onto you. Jehovah's witnesses use a form of mind manipulation to take you into their religion, I know, my cousin used to work there, they take you in and show you love to entice you. Almost like a minor celebrity, then. If you don't go door knocking you are referred to as weak or spiritually weak. Powerful words to bully you into doing it. You also ask us "where do you get your morality from" the answer is we all have morals, I would hope a book isnt the only thing keeping you from going out and mugging someone. Also you say "you're gonna go to hell" so your god punishes people for asking honest questions? Wow. What a ****. This dude seems like more of a dictator by the minute. Your god has given me this mind to use and you are asking me to close it when it comes to religion. The very thing he made us to follow!?!? And btw the "you just have to have faith" argument is used when I seem to have stumped a christian, its a cop out way of saying "there is no answer I just believe it because it makes me feel good" which is the stupidest reason to believe anything. Explain to me why your god is different to the thousands of others, what validates your god over others? I was religious in the beginning, then like loads of other people I realised the bullcrap. I can almost guarantee you if you ask an atheist about the bible, they will know more about it than a random christian you will pull off the street. We talk about this stuff. A survey was actually done to show atheists understand the bible better. Of course its not a certainty, there is exceptions. But as a general rule. Atheists understand all religions better, we rlly think about this stuff you know, so we, reasonably, know more. Mainly, we know the holes in the religion too. Here is a question for Christians, have you ever read the holy books from other religions? Open your mind. You dismiss those religions but when I dismiss those its suddenly such a big deal. And what atheist books have you read?
Good point I guess but...

Paragraphs. Lol

Re: A discussion about religion

Ed ur so stupid its not funny, your sexuality is proven to be a brain development, not a choice. Its a mutation. You are born with it. It is as much a part of you as your gender. And STDs dont come from homosexuals are you actually that short sighted? A virus/bacteria develops in a process called EVOLUTION to become better suited to survival, a certain type of bacteria/virus said "lets go for the nuts" and have been going for the nuts ever since. Of course this is a brief summery, bacteria don't talk like that.

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