Read my previous post, who is saying Christians as a whole believe the earth to be only 6000 years old?Ok, I guess we all have our views on human sexuality with different definitions. Honestly, people can believe whatever they want as long as if does not lead to discrimination or another such conflict.
Back to that quote: The blame could be placed on the churches but those churches still work in the name of religion. In fact, a great amount of conflicts throughout history have been in the name of some religion or due to religious differences. Various mass murders have been in the name of religion, for the purpose of changing religion, or for the purpose of eliminating religion.
I am not saying religion is horrible though. However, if there is a god out there as seemingly benevolent in scriptures, it should sort out this mess. Even if you believe the world to be 6000 years old, that is still a long time. The collections of scripture, such as the bible, seems to be intended for a much more primitive humanity. We have advanced and matured as a race. If we truly are children to a god, he/she/it should continue it's teachings and help us grow.
I have heard of the analogy that we (humanity) are kids and a god would be the parents; existing as a family. Supposedly we are not ready for the real world. We get punished just as a parent would punish their children. We learn by reading (religious text) and get tested through various circumstances beginning with Adam and Eve. This situation would make perfect sense except for one problem: it is a still frame. Where is the progress? Children are supposed to grow up. Even by learning from the scripture, those texts do not change. The Bible, Koran, etc, are not getting any bigger.
As for various scientific practices that are not still not believed in, that is somewhat ok. It is fine to challenge an idea. However, to be discouraged from so many sources is almost madness. Seeing ever changing micro-organisms, carbon dating, fossils, DNA, geological processes, etc. There are so many sources that support evolution and an Earth that is in fact not only over 6 thousand years old and well into the millions but an Earth that is billions of years old. We even use these controversial concepts to create medicine, fight diseases, create new computing hardware (such as the relatively new theory of quantum computing), etc etc etc.
However, the bottom line is that you can believe whatever you like. However, if that belief closes you off to new possibilities and the possible advancement of humanity, there is a problem. That goes for everyone. You have to be open to new scientific theories but at the same time, you must also still remain open to a level of intelligence that is beyond our understanding.
On a side note, Happy New Years! May we all progress in our lives and ignore the hundred spelling and grammatical errors that are probably throughout this post. :/ Lol
The bible was not for a more "primitive humanity,"
2 Timothy 3:1-4 But know this, that in the last days+ critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3 having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God,
Go ahead and tell me that's not exactly 100 percent true in terms of what we see in today's society.