Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: leveling! Partners?

all these are great answers. I think (IMHO) that a combination of trees and ghosts are good. when alternating, you train different abilities as well as get different drops. Also, i think there is a slightly higher chance of wise root over the same level ghosts.
AZZSAVER (DRUID 183+), SNEAKYAZZ (ROGUE 183+), BADAZZ (WARRIOR 144+)retired, MADMAC (RANGER 83)retarded lol

Re: leveling! Partners?

all these are great answers. I think (IMHO) that a combination of trees and ghosts are good. when alternating, you train different abilities as well as get different drops. Also, i think there is a slightly higher chance of wise root over the same level ghosts.
Scholarly Phantom has a higher spawn rate from both what I've heard and experience.
Hi, I quit. Thanks.
Booty is the most important thing.

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