There is no biblical good and evil. However it does not invalidate the concepts. There most certainly is good and evil in the world I leave looking up the definition to you if you are uncertain what those terms mean.You are still saying that... I explained it over and over again. Why don't you look at your own logic fail? If there is no god and we are all here by chance then there is no good and evil at all. There is only smart and stupid, socially acceptable and not socially acceptable. We all make decisions, no knowledge of good and evil needed.I'm not sure what part of "eve didn't know it was GOOD to listen to gods snake over god" you understand. When you don't know good from evil - good from bad - you have a highly compromised brain incapable of making simple rational decisions.There is no logic fail, I am just explaining the story. I explained it very simply but you are still quoting me wrong and either not comprehending, or just not wanted to admit you lose. Actually read what I said. How can you not understand that they knew they should not eat it? You do not have to know something is right or wrong to know not to do it. Even a toddler can be trained to come when called or to stay out of a room when told. Adam and Eve were smarter that toddlers.
But forget about explaining this, its obvious you just want to troll and have no intention of understanding. I hope I helped clear it up for any other readers.
You imply they knew good from evil before they had that ability.
Knowledge of good and bad is developed early on in childhood and is partially genetic as many psychological experiments across nearly all current cultures has demonstrated. There is a lot of overlap. Without this base function of your brain you are clinically insane. If a magic fable says someone dosent have the ability to tell good from bad then - well it is an obvious logic fail in the case above.