Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: does otm read appeal emails

I really wouldn't mind but the amount of money spent on this game for them to not even acknowledge a email.
shared my details whilst in away serving my country (close friend knows detail) and people share details all day everyday with clan banks so on so on
Gstings 194 rogue
F1ReBlAzE 188 mage
Supremexxx 180+ druid
Persi 150+ ranger

Re: does otm read appeal emails

I once sent an appeal with no response, so I sent another 3 weeks later and it's now been around 3 months with still no response... Even if I'm not re-enabled it would be nice to know why they disabled me.
Jikasle - Level 168 Druid - RIP
TheDiz - 201 Rogue
DruiDiz - 145 Druid

Re: does otm read appeal emails

From my experience, appeal was handled quickly. The only problem was that I didnt get a confirmation e-mail and had ppl see my name back on leaderboards then tell me. I only know of one person who received a denial e-mail. It seems otm has themselves over burdened with support and cant handle all of the requests properly. I was never given any sort of feedback on my ban and my account is registered. Seems easy enough to just send an email explaining things. I know ive seen posts where they said they intend to improve support. Until then its just costing them $.

Re: does otm read appeal emails

From my experience, appeal was handled quickly. The only problem was that I didnt get a confirmation e-mail and had ppl see my name back on leaderboards then tell me. I only know of one person who received a denial e-mail. It seems otm has themselves over burdened with support and cant handle all of the requests properly. I was never given any sort of feedback on my ban and my account is registered. Seems easy enough to just send an email explaining things. I know ive seen posts where they said they intend to improve support. Until then its just costing them $.
And we all know OTM is Ebenezer Scrooge when it comes to money...
Jikasle - Level 168 Druid - RIP
TheDiz - 201 Rogue
DruiDiz - 145 Druid

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