Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Scamming has to stop!

Alright guys scamming has to stop. There are way to many people on this world that scam people and call others scammers who are actually not. Like me for an instance, i was called a scammer by a lvl 62 warrior (not giving name) who said i scammed an hero ammy. But I didn't. I am way to poor to buy or trade items for an hero ammy. I dont have the patience to gold farm i get my gold from lvling and quests. The most gold I've had at once was around 130k not even enough to buy an ammy from another player... anyways... people who are calling other people scammers who have actually scammed people in the game has to stop. There are way to many complaints already to the admins probably and soon for all we know they could shut the game down and NO MORE celtic heroes for us. For the people who got addicted to this game may or may not scam or say other people scam will get mad. So guys, we have to or will stop or quit scamming or saying people are scammers. Yes there are scammers on this game throughout all the worlds, but I've mainly played on this world. So guys, if u see people getting scammed or people who are gonna scam someone, stop it or them. Hope this taught some people of the bad thing of what could happen to this game.

Also, stop telling people or others to stop trusting certain people. People on the game can trust and become friends with who ever they want to on the game. It's not your life, its theirs.


Brother.. I love you and all.. But OTM will not shut down Celtic Heroes.. How else are they supposed to get money.. Greedy in my opinion.. They don't care for us.. If they did.. They would listen to us.. But no.. They blow us off like a spec of dust in the wind.. To stop scamming.. We need to quit letting people borrow our items.. Or don't do world transfers.. Yeah yeah.. Some people are legit and keep there word.. But ya know how it goes.. One person messes up.. Ruins it for all.. Scamming will never end.. People are to greedy.. And others are stupid enough to lend items to people they don't know! Ya might think ya do.. But ya don't.. Just another person on the otherside of a screen.. Welcome to the 21 Century.. God Bless America!


Don't give out your items and you can never be scammed
Wed Aug 29, 2012 1:04 am
The only way anyone can get your items is if you give them your items.

Keep your items to yourself, do not give or lend them out to other players.

If you follow this rule you will never be scammed.

No need to bother if this simple rule is followed!!!

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