Since we're discussing multiple things about Mordris, more than we've ever done with any other boss how about we discuss something from the 2 most popular bosses right now; Hrungnir and Aggragoth.
They drop these nasty little rings that add damage to auto attacks, sounds pretty awesome to all you warriors/rangers/rogues right? Wrong, it sounds awesome to every class but to 2/5 of those classes it's for the wrong reason. We have people come to a fight for a reason and that is to fight, and if you fought long and hard you deserve to be rewarded, or in the case with 40+ people you deserve a chance to be rewarded. The only real reason a mage/druid would want one of these rings is to either sell it or give it to a clanmate. This is pretty crazy, by doing one of those you are either:
A) Pumping drops to the richer players, disadvantaging the less fortunate.
B) Giving a drop away to someone who wasn't even at the fight, pretty unfair that someone can sleep during a fight and wake up with a drop in his mailbox.
C) Giving a player at the fight multiple chances at a single drop, and even more depending what alts they have/bring.
No matter what you do with a drop, if you don't plan to use it you're wasting other players time and money. This is why I propose that mages/druids should not be able to dice for a damage ring drop, they have no use for it other than to send it to another player either in a trade or a donation.
There are armour rings so before you say that those can be diced for all players so dps rings should too, those rings can be used by everyone just the same and everyone will benefit from 40 armour just the same(not a lot at all) whereas a dps ring can only effectively be used by someone who uses auto attack/skills based off auto attack damage.
Before you say a mage/druid could be dicing for their other characters, if they wanted to dice for that character they would have brought it right? This is similar to me bringing my rogue to snorri and then asking to dice for a green crown because I need it for Venus.
You say there is no class requirement on it so therefore it is no class? Same goes for tridents at aggy, they have no class requirement so why wouldn't that be diced just the same? Oh right, because a druid/mage would be useless if they were using that weapon.
People want to give items to clannies/friends so why can't I just dice for some red dl items to give to a friend of mine? I can use it the same way as a mage would use a dps ring, not at all.
My druid has 140 auto attack damage and is non stop casting skills, a damage ring would be completely useless on her unless casting is possible while attacking and if the ring added 1200+ damage but that's not the case.
Just because you can equip it doesn't mean you can use it, I can equip a nature magic ring or a staff ability ring(have one bound on Vulture) but that helps me similar to a dps ring helping a caster.
Let's keep this as a friendly discussion, share your points to support your response with no insults or bashing others or simply just +1/-1 a post to show feedback.
DPS ring discussion
[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]