by Corleone
Overpowering them in the arena or ruining they're lixes or basically just destroying they're gameplay is a temporary satisfaction but this still doesnt completely stop them from saying things like this. Most of you on mabon know that once your in my good books, theres nothing better. Just a few weeks back i gave away 500-600 k worth lixes to noobs. But when people say things about me which aren't true, it honestly hurts.
And to Samsonvc who sent me a threat mail saying you have pics of me scamming. Go ahead post whatever you think you have on me, i know i havent done these kinda things and everybody who knows me knows i wont do it so go ahead and post it samsonvc.
Corleone lvl 193 Warrior - Tank. Robbed of my items and forced to quit.
Hrungnir lvl 175 Warrior - Dps.
Ex - Elite