as randall mentioned, i will lead our 3rd charge against the dragon.
we will do this on saturday at 3pm est - just like last time. meet at snorri
we will do this with 5 groups. please know what group you will be in BEFORE the battle - most likely the same group you were in last time.
grp1 (tank): calla + druids + entangle ranger (calla will be this groups leader/speaker)
grp2 (dps): Callu, Akbar, virulent, kaoec, + dps classes (priority to 190+ and dl weps and offhands) (akbar will be this groups leader/speaker)
grp3 (secondary dps): i am not certain who was in this grp. Perhaps Roger can lead this grp
grp 4 (mages): i will let the mages decide who will lead and speak for this grp
grp 5: others who want to help with mordy but are not in other grps. priority based on DL equip and level - their job is to kill adds (trolls and wyrms)
please post which grp you feel you belong in. gpr 2 priority will be for rogues/ranger with dl wep over warriors. there should be one dl warrior TANK in grp 3. if most people know their grps, then this fight will get faster and cleaner as grps learn their roles and how to work together smoothly.
basic strategy:
- -akbar will pull left side sentinels (rear first, then forward one) - callu will taunt, akbar will log - everyone will kill. we will do one at a time
-once those are done - roger will pull the sentinels on the other side - using grp 3 tank to taunt. this way there will be two grps comfortable with the maneuver.
-I will pull the priestess - callu taunts, all kill her.
-everyone stops
-calla will setup and his grp will start on mordy when they are ready. they will try to have mordy facing the gold and pulled to the left. no one else will attack until calla shouts for us to -start (once he has started and is ready for us to go). once he does - we all go to town on mordy.
-when priestess respawns, either roger or i will pull her and mages will freeze her - no one attacks her. if she is too close to mordy - all AOE (firestorm, swarm, etc) must stop.
-as guards respawn, we all kill them quick. since we are killing them one at a time, hopefully they will respawn one at a time.
-grp 5 stays focused on adds
i think each grp should have a rough location - this is to so AOE buffs can be more easily applied.
grp 2 - try to stay between mordy and the slope where we first congregate - then i can more easily cast sharpen wep on everyone
ty all
looking forward to reading your thoughts. grps should try to discuss modifications in game with their grp members.