I didn't join a clan till my 90s on my main but i have noticed so many big clans just disappear over the last 2 years and a bit.
Does anyone have fond memories or funny stories about past clans? Maybe proud achievements ?
The ladies in Wardens were always kind to me (as an outsider), and two of Stella's clans that i was in were good value.
So what are your stories? If we don't tell them they will fade because we don't have any way to record things as we do in RL.
What ever happened to Clan Xxxxx ?
Landoril 221 Ranger
Denoril 170 Rogue
Hateril. Hat holder
Pageril...well you get the idea
Epona (The little server that could)
Landoril 221 Ranger
Denoril 170 Rogue
Hateril. Hat holder
Pageril...well you get the idea
Epona (The little server that could)