by Siryourchange
I complained once and very very shortly after got over runner with disc frags now im in a clan collecting disc frags and tabs for hours im good on that and on leveling i can level whenever but the fashion like you said will sometimes change prices and i dont want that , i only need a top and gloves and my black frost is complete i see where. Your coming from as a high level but I'm not obsessed with leveling or fashion yes i like fashion i want it, but dont go putting out accusation s like that man i do what I think is fun in the game if i want to get fashion so be it, if i want to level so. Be it im not gonna let you interrogate every move i make . I play for the fun and for arguing with people because its fun to me. That is why i do it. And if you want to judge me on something else go ahead i will be right back with what I think of your comment.so to answer your question im not obsessed with fashion . But if i want to stand in castle for a week so *** be it. I'm not going to let someone tell me what to do especially anonymously over internet. So how about not judging every post i make and help. You said to. Me earlier i made a waste of a post? Well here i am saying your post above is a waste of a post. Take this however you want . I'm not mad at you im telling you it how it is thats all!
showercurtainlvl 105
fappleslvl 75