Hey second time my buddy's post has dissapeared...
Nueee my good arawanian friend is looking to transfer here... Dunno how much he has to trqnsfer think its about a million gold value or something
Hit me up if you want to transfer over to arawn - i can middle man it or u can trust my judgement that nuee ain't no thief
Hopefully this one isnt removed
Why do the forum gods hate nueee?
#1General of Seed - Crom
Druid 216+ & 130 something on Arawn retured in 2013
Rangers 221+ And 190+
Rogues 220+, 210+, 150+, 97+ & 150 on Arawn retired in 2013
Mage 214+
Warrior 218+
Ex member of Badabing, Celts, Uskoci & Serenity on Arawn
Druid 216+ & 130 something on Arawn retured in 2013
Rangers 221+ And 190+
Rogues 220+, 210+, 150+, 97+ & 150 on Arawn retired in 2013
Mage 214+
Warrior 218+
Ex member of Badabing, Celts, Uskoci & Serenity on Arawn