by SmartOne96
Id say about 500 hp sigils are all you would ever need to regen hp.
At 180+ id say you would need 2k energy sigils to get by.
Anything less than 1k energy sigils you will probably still have to use energy boost or sacrifice. (at 150+)
The in-combat energy regen available just does not cut it. The best you could do would be 50 energy regen from 1 mil foc ammy + 25 from halloween energy brace + 20 from 150 energy brace + 15 from 150 energy ring + 80 from a staff + 20 from a 150 energy regen helm. That would give you 210 energy regen per tick. My firebolt costs 273 per cast. I cast every 7 sec (I am including cooldown and cast time both). My firestorm cost around 550 (I think-I cant remember exactly) and i cast it every 17 sec. So, every 21 sec i use around 1369 energy (if i do not cast energy shield). Using all of those energy regen items (for which you sacrifice your dl set bonus and quite a few gear slots) you can regen 840 energy in 20 sec. You cannot keep up. (Also note that the energy regen gear I described would cost 3-4 million gold.) You might say "thats not a problem I will just use energy boost/sacrifice". Well, to max one of those skills you will either have to drop attune (significant dmg decrease), energy shield (gonna die or gotta add a lot of vit), or lure or a damage skill that really cannot be dropped.
(One solution to this is to make a support mage and level it with another character. The other popular situations are to buy a large amount of energy sigils or to make a different class)
Sorry about that tangent. I was going to suggest supplementing your energy sigils with in-combat energy regen and I thought "I wonder if I could do without sigils?" So, I sat down and looked at a few of the numbers.
Something to think about if you have quite a bit of cash is that as far as weapons you kindof have two routes:
1. You can focus on focus gear. (both offhand and mainhand grimores or 100/150 focus offhands)
2. You can use a lux staff to lvl. (I have a friend that used a staff to lvl with for the regen, proc, and evasions all the way to 180. He uses the staff with the freeze skill now to level. He said the staff with the life steal proc was not very good.)
I hope this helped at least a bit.
(Not active at the moment)
SmartOne: level 191 Mage
SneakyOne: level 185 Rogue
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