by Shaggadelic
The leaderboard issue that tea mentions is only a minor one IMO. Frankly I am not really convinced that you would be able to do any better with this arrangement than you would if you play 'the old fashioned' way, unless you could schedule playtimes with ruthless, military efficiency. (Which is next to impossible)
The real issue here comes down to protecting individual players... Let's say someone logs in to this shared account and says, ok I am gonna buy platinum, convert it into gold, and pimp out this char with some nice luxury gear. Then they log off and the next 'player' logs in... he says, oohh look at that bodkin, my char could REALLY use that... Yoink - it's gonzo.
AND, no matter how many background checks, interviews, and testimonials/character references you get for ppl, you are still opening yourself to rampant abuse. Anyone can open multiple accounts on multiple worlds and some people have toons on every world on only one account. I for example, have reserved toons with the name Shaggadelic and MsShaggadelic on every world, in the unlikely event that I ever have to transfer worlds, and just so noone can 'pose' as me on a different server...)
Whatever the case, you couldn't pay me to get involved in this sort of thing because of the risk factors involved. I advise all players to consider these things before they sign up as well. If you still decide to go for it, don't complain if it goes sour...