Buying hero ammy #1 by Elloso Title says it all only got 150k in my pocket so if you're interested send me mail at Elloso or just pm me here thank you and good day QuoteThu Feb 13, 2014 12:17 pm
Re: Buying hero ammy #2 by flamingduckee Gl on finding someone selling for that price.. Flamingduckee- lvl 155+ druid full froZen FlamingDPS- lvl 86 rouge Flaminghawk- lvl 20 mage RIP Solitaire Clansman of Marath RIP-ferdais blades Gwydion John 3:16 ... 054AAhfLoh [CENTER][/CENTER] QuoteThu Feb 13, 2014 1:17 pm
Re: Buying hero ammy #3 by bornkiller My friend has one for 170k I can maybe lower price forestgreen- LVl 201 rogue. Bornkiller-lvl 167 rogue. Why are you dieing to live if ur living to die. QuoteThu Feb 13, 2014 4:32 pm
Re: Buying hero ammy #4 by Elloso UPDATE* already bought one. The fact that no one buys hero ammy anymore made people impatient soo in short i got one for 150k . QuoteSat Feb 15, 2014 3:00 pm