Admin.. Can you plzz do somethin about ksers and update idea
#1I have been getting ksed for a while by high lev people but now... I mad a range an I'm lev 25 now but people ks my ranger, they take kills that i need for missions EVEN THOUGH I HIT IT FIRST!!! It makes me so mad. And here another thing you guys should make a update with if u hit the target first u get the kill and 1 drop if boss with multiple people, second make a update wher u can put exactly how much gold u wanna put out, because the scroll thing is annoying and one of my freinds, his name is javerez ran into a guy called colt45docter or something like that. And colt45docter was trading with a guy whim had 25million!!! He is one rich *** lol, back to subject, u should also make it where oaks and elms are eisier to get, in world arawn oaks prices are going up like gas!! Cuz it's hard to get them went already selling them for 25k l, soon they will be more rare then a elm! So please help us out and pm me admin on ur awnser. The rest of u add me:) thx
Benes- level 44 ranger
Clan- Proud member of MaoirDeArawn
World- Arawn
Clan- Proud member of MaoirDeArawn
World- Arawn