Why do people in the bible have longer lives...? What changed?
Just my theory but I think we can infer from the scripture that Adam and Eve were originally created with perfect bodies that did not die but after the fall they started to die. Genetically their bodies were far better than ours and so the closer people were to the beginning the more perfect their genes would be. So something like the perfection of our genetics is decreasing and our bodies are becoming less resistant to age would make sense from this point of view.
(Notice as the Bible progresses people's average life spans decrease)
Hey Ed glad ur back. My personnal theory and it is shared by others is that in the beginning when God created the earth, there was a layer of water around the earth(or something similar to what we have today, except much more powerful) that kept out the harmful UV rays from the sun that cause decay. This would also account for where the water for the flood came from.
Also while im on the subject of the flood, ken ham answered very nicely why the ark might not have leaked( why the ship wouldn't twist and turn. Also if u look at the dimensions if the ark, the way that it was built made it almost impossible to capsize unless it was flipped upside down. Also if we are going to assume that the biblical account of Noah is true then we have to assume that God was involved. U really think that the most powerful, all-knowing being of all couldnt build a boat that wouldn't sink? Also during the Flood God probably protected the ark. Another thing is that Noah would have had plenty of time to build the ark as it was at least 50 years(more like 100) from when God spoke to Noah until the Flood.
Edit: looked up the story and found out that it was more like 100 years not 200. Oops.[/quote]
My problem is not really how the ark could have made it, how the animals fit, etc but rather... why? In fact, I will edit the end of one of your sentences above: "U really think that the most powerful, all-knowing being of all couldnt [just eliminate the people he/she/it deemed bad for the world]?"[/quote]
I like i think of it as a hypothetical question. Lets say you were the president of the United States and ur son murdered 1000 people an there was no doubt he did it. In fact he admitted to it and was even proud of it. The sentence for such a crime is death but u had the discision whether or not to execute him. Would you execute him? I would hope the answer is yes. But would u still love ur son? I would hope be answer is yes again. That was how it was for God. It pained him i think to punish us in that way. But he had to do it. Also vraelen i don't think u realize how evil these people were. Every thought they had was evil. They would probably make hitler look like a cherub. God did get rid of those he thought were bad for he planet and even gave them means i escape. That's what people forget us that the people were warned but they didnt take Noah seriously. They could have repented. But they chose not to. I hope this helps you understand a little better.
Psalm 46:10 He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."
Junior Journalist of the Dal Riata Daily Enquirer
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