Oh ok. I thought he was actually some kind of famous youtube partner called theyoutubeguy or something xD
But I see what you mean now. To bad the animations of me and Xell are not visible on that page

I could get many views. hehe
Maybe the admin could share some random video's once a week on facebook/twitter. When he shares a video the video will probably get +/- 500 hits maybe more. Then the video with celtic heroes tags go up on the youtube page and will get noticed sooner by other people.
Battlefield does this with many of their video's. they have more follower's/likes on their page and a video probably get 100.000 views when they post it. A normal youtuber get's famous in one day. His video goes up on the YT list. More people see the game battlefield on youtube. Free commercial for battlefield.
profit for the youtubers fun for the viewers and profit for the game developers.