I am dead serious , what's a hybrid ranger ?
Half half
Best xample is warrior class 50/50% in vitality and strenght or 50/50% in vitality and dexterity
Rangers are 50/50% dexterity and strengh, vitality and strenght or dexterity and vitality
I'm sorta a good example of that, not perfect but okay.
I am mostly strength but as I level I am putting all in dex
205(about that, too lazy to go check)
1045 damage with adamant, 2.1k attack
1776 (murica) with obsidian, 1.8k attack
400 defense ish
When they are equal, because of the increase of damage from steady from adding more dex, I estimate:
2.4-5k attack with adamant
2.1k with obby
1150 damage with adamant
1850 with adamant.
Hybrid is great if you use doubleshot as well as longshot, steady, light heal, and rest of points into sharpen weps. No bolas with this as it's a build to maximize leveling speed.
Level 121 atm.