Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Enjoy the game

Hello all,

Lot's of complaints if not whining had been around lately.

Well, be real. We love ya playing and enjoying the game.


If you are low level, don't expect miracles. We support you, help you around. But no one is eager to nurse you.

So do not beg for items and gold or whine about not having exclusive stuff from scratch.

If you are an asset, be sure you will get some soon.

Some clans have noobs boost system. Use it if you like but be warned. Early levelling will cost you. Lack of training will make you weak cause your abilities are crucial and they will be low if you power-level. Also easy early quests are temptimg but you will be discouraged soon in the game cause soon you will hit a border when many need quest items and you will not get ones easily.

So, basically, patience will get you to enjoy the game most. Don't rush stuff and you will be rewarded by a warm feeling of progress.

The most important thing is to enjoy the game for the game. If are patient you will find friends and fun. If you will have a fast baked account you will be amused for a short period of time then you will leave bored.

Happy playing.

... Toycat the Druid of Ancients in world Lugh ...
:. .:. .:. .:. .:. Patience is a virtue :. .:. .:. .:. .:

Re: Enjoy the game

me too but i would like to add something that was pretty much based on experience
I once power leveled in carrowmoore for 5 lvls and i ended up regretting it cause my abillities
became low for my level and ive tried to work it of but it was harder so lesson learned stop
power lvling

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