Yes, that sounds like a very effective system. Server-wide we have a lot of different people from several different clans. It would be difficult to find one person that would be trusted by all to deal fairly. It's great to hear from you. Feel free to pop in the lugh forums anytime.I am commenting on this as an outsider. Any dicing system whether double or triple dice is still a chance outcome and may or may not help you distribute the crown in a desired way. Dicing system will eventually lead to frustration and angst.
It is never easy to get everyone to agree on who should get the dl weapon first. Ideally, those who are at the highest level and who help most in boss raid should get the dl weapon first so that they can in turn help the rest to get theirs. In practice, this can be hard to implement if everyone thinks he or she deserves it first.
Fortunately for us in Resurgence, we have a Chief who is wise, fair and respected by all in the clan and in whom we entrust the decision on allocation of crown. All crowns are passed to him and he decides who is next in line for the dl mainhand. This has worked well for us without any resentment or complain from anyone. Eventually, most of our clan members now have dl mainhand and some have dl offhand too.
So, each clan and each server will have to decide what is best for the overall good of the clan or the server. People need to be mature and patient. Only if everyone is sensible will a proper system of drops allocation work well. I am not sugegsting any system you should use. Just sharing how we did it in our own way which worked well for us.
#11(Not active at the moment)
SmartOne: level 191 Mage
SneakyOne: level 185 Rogue
Learn about Lugh ➙
"The trouble ain't that there are too many fools, but that the lightning ain't distributed right."
-Mark Twain
SmartOne: level 191 Mage
SneakyOne: level 185 Rogue
Learn about Lugh ➙
"The trouble ain't that there are too many fools, but that the lightning ain't distributed right."
-Mark Twain