Celtic Heroes

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Re: Missing Flight #MH370

I assume the plane was taken out by Malaysian government to rally for some war. Not sure why. But governments tend to do that. There was a plan in america to blow stuff up, make it look like it was a Cuban assault, and then declare war on Cuba. Until JFK flipped unfathomable on 2 generals who were involved in it. Some people think that is why he was assassinated

Re: Missing Flight #MH370

i think they let a little kid in the cockpit and he hit all the buttons, but in all seriousness my father is a pilot and i know that he is safe. I cant imagine what those ppl are going through that lost their family....
Hogana (Retired)
I creep around the forums.


Malaysian airplane

What are your thoughts? My thought is... Since it was purposely shot off course... I think Alquita is back. The controls were purposely dislodged. Phones ring and ring and ring... But never pick up. The GPS dosent work. If the plane did go underwater, otterbox and life proof make waterproof cases so they should still work... Alquita must get what is coming to them. The military is doing nothing? Get the hell out there... Too HARD? too many CASUALTIES? Ur the armed forces... Cmon navy u killed Osama bin laden! GET TO WORK! I mean, two people had FAKE passports...What are ur thoughts?

Re: Missing Flight #MH370

They said that the communication system was deliberately disabled. It's terrible all those people and families. Prayers to them. I read somewhere that the Malaysian government declined several times to receive help from Interpol to search for missing plane. what ?!!
omg... I think the government is trying to destroy their own country!!!!!!

Re: Missing Flight #MH370

Maybe it vanished in the Bermuda Triangle some people have been saying or it was hijacked
World: Danu
Named: Thebeast1221
Level 111 rogue
My level may not be that high but I have played for a long time on many accounts so if you need help PM me:)
You won't be getting any thanks from me,! Now watch your mouth and watch your back!

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