Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Malaysian airplane

What are your thoughts? My thought is... Since it was purposely shot off course... I think Alquita is back. The controls were purposely dislodged. Phones ring and ring and ring... But never pick up. The GPS dosent work. If the plane did go underwater, otterbox and life proof make waterproof cases so they should still work... Alquita must get what is coming to them. The military is doing nothing? Get the hell out there... Too HARD? too many CASUALTIES? Ur the armed forces... Cmon navy u killed Osama bin laden! GET TO WORK! I mean, two people had FAKE passports...What are ur thoughts?
There is already a post about this........

Re: Malaysian airplane

What are your thoughts? My thought is... Since it was purposely shot off course... I think Alquita is back. The controls were purposely dislodged. Phones ring and ring and ring... But never pick up. The GPS dosent work. If the plane did go underwater, otterbox and life proof make waterproof cases so they should still work... Alquita must get what is coming to them. The military is doing nothing? Get the hell out there... Too HARD? too many CASUALTIES? Ur the armed forces... Cmon navy u killed Osama bin laden! GET TO WORK! I mean, two people had FAKE passports...What are ur thoughts?
America couldnt give 2 spell caster about the flight. And its not necessarily a terrorist group. Could be any government, hell, could be some dude who was scared of heights, we dont know. Also would you send your own son out there to get killed on the off chance he got it right? I think not, im sure the mothers who have children in the army/navy feel the same.

Re: Malaysian airplane

What are your thoughts? My thought is... Since it was purposely shot off course... I think Alquita is back. The controls were purposely dislodged. Phones ring and ring and ring... But never pick up. The GPS dosent work. If the plane did go underwater, otterbox and life proof make waterproof cases so they should still work... Alquita must get what is coming to them. The military is doing nothing? Get the hell out there... Too HARD? too many CASUALTIES? Ur the armed forces... Cmon navy u killed Osama bin laden! GET TO WORK! I mean, two people had FAKE passports...What are ur thoughts?
America couldnt give 2 ***** about the flight. And its not necessarily a terrorist group. Could be any government, hell, could be some dude who was scared of heights, we dont know. Also would you send your own son out there to get killed on the off chance he got it right? I think not, im sure the mothers who have children in the army/navy feel the same.
9/11 was a suicide hijack...

Re: Missing Flight #MH370

How do people think they can compensate for such a massive lost of over 200 people? If they declare that plane has crashed that's it no one will continue to look for them.
PurpleRain 226+ Mage
Vanity 227+ Druid
I can't make the World Purple when it's Gray
Beta Android Tester

Re: Missing Flight #MH370

Having designed radio systems I can tell you that the power a cell phone puts out (<1w) can't be detected for more than a few miles. Starting out by putting the phones in a sealed metal box (airplane) only makes this far worse. Under salt water is ridiculous the signal wouldn't work more than a few dozen feet at best. Detecting the flight by the use of phones is not scientific.

Since someone entered waypoints into the flight computer this is a deliberate act beyond any doubt. Given how hard it is to force your way through the armor door on a 777 (yes they are armored - you can't even shoot small arms through them) it is likely the pilot/co-pilot that did this.

Why we may never know but the oceans are so large that it could easily take years to find the wreckage if they did crash. People will still keep looking because you don't just walk off with a quarter billion dollar airplane. People will be seriously butt hurt over losing that much money and demand answers. Oh yea and there's a few hundred missing people too.
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