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Re: Malaysian airplane

What are your thoughts? My thought is... Since it was purposely shot off course... I think Alquita is back. The controls were purposely dislodged. Phones ring and ring and ring... But never pick up. The GPS dosent work. If the plane did go underwater, otterbox and life proof make waterproof cases so they should still work... Alquita must get what is coming to them. The military is doing nothing? Get the hell out there... Too HARD? too many CASUALTIES? Ur the armed forces... Cmon navy u killed Osama bin laden! GET TO WORK! I mean, two people had FAKE passports...What are ur thoughts?
Who in the hell is Alquita? :lol:

#Al Qaeda Issues.
Server: Arawn
Player: Phyzem:216Rogue
Player: Krypto:187-Rogue
Clan: Unit

Re Missing Flight #MH370

Alquita is my next door neighbor has a sister I think named Shaquita... ;)

I don't think it's Al Qaeda but I definitely think it has to be the pilots but what I wanna know is why did it take so long to look into the two pilots? Like have they even searched their homes etc? Confiscate their computers etc. Like search for any documents or question the families/ friends of them. Someone has to know something...
PurpleRain 226+ Mage
Vanity 227+ Druid
I can't make the World Purple when it's Gray
Beta Android Tester

Re: Missing Flight #MH370

Heard it was hijacked? Not 100%, but it's whatever. Feel sorry for the families of the missing, having no clue what happened to their loved ones...
It was reported 2 of the passengers on board had fake passports which could've led to a potential terrorist attack.

6 passengers were from Australia and my thoughts are with those and the other passengers as well...
Its a known fact that millions of people use fake passports each year so your first point could be invalid. And alquita lmao Al Qaeda
Android Tester :)
Not playing atm!

Re: Re Missing Flight #MH370

Alquita is my next door neighbor has a sister I think named Shaquita... ;)

I don't think it's Al Qaeda but I definitely think it has to be the pilots but what I wanna know is why did it take so long to look into the two pilots? Like have they even searched their homes etc? Confiscate their computers etc. Like search for any documents or question the families/ friends of them. Someone has to know something...
Yes, police have confiscated the captains home flight simulator and computer. they also checked the co-pilot's house. the reason they did not straight away look into the pilots was because they thought something happened to they plane. Like a fire or plane malfunction.
Shannon - warrior

Re: Malaysian airplane

What are your thoughts? My thought is... Since it was purposely shot off course... I think Alquita is back. The controls were purposely dislodged. Phones ring and ring and ring... But never pick up. The GPS dosent work. If the plane did go underwater, otterbox and life proof make waterproof cases so they should still work... Alquita must get what is coming to them. The military is doing nothing? Get the hell out there... Too HARD? too many CASUALTIES? Ur the armed forces... Cmon navy u killed Osama bin laden! GET TO WORK! I mean, two people had FAKE passports...What are ur thoughts?
America couldnt give 2 ***** about the flight. And its not necessarily a terrorist group. Could be any government, hell, could be some dude who was scared of heights, we dont know. Also would you send your own son out there to get killed on the off chance he got it right? I think not, im sure the mothers who have children in the army/navy feel the same.
9/11 was a suicide hijack...
You really believe everything your government tells you? If so, then how come the government have been willing to attack their own people before to rally support for a war on Cuba?

Re: Missing Flight #MH370

it was an off plane computer hijack i heard like with 9/11, thats why the radio,tracking system,and any type of communication was scrambled at the same time. Doing it manually takes too long and the people tracking it would have noticed each one going one at a time and if that was the case thats the reason the pilot could not gain control back. But thats my theory idk for sure but it seems possible.
Executioner lvl 141 warrior
Giver lvl 54 druid
Serpenttounge lvl 87 rogue
Theimmortal lvl 64 mage

Re: Malaysian airplane

America couldnt give 2 ***** about the flight. And its not necessarily a terrorist group. Could be any government, hell, could be some dude who was scared of heights, we dont know. Also would you send your own son out there to get killed on the off chance he got it right? I think not, im sure the mothers who have children in the army/navy feel the same.[/quote] 9/11 was a suicide hijack...[/quote]
You really believe everything your government tells you? If so, then how come the government have been willing to attack their own people before to rally support for a war on Cuba?[/quote] I used to but when obama got to be president i stopped careing about what he had to say because usually its a lie, and him trying to save his own ass from impeachment for his own lazy actions and failed obamacare. So yeah i would believe the middle east is looking for that plane more then if obama said america was. I should stop before i go too far lol, but yea thats what i think.
Executioner lvl 141 warrior
Giver lvl 54 druid
Serpenttounge lvl 87 rogue
Theimmortal lvl 64 mage

Re: Malaysian airplane

America couldnt give 2 ***** about the flight. And its not necessarily a terrorist group. Could be any government, hell, could be some dude who was scared of heights, we dont know. Also would you send your own son out there to get killed on the off chance he got it right? I think not, im sure the mothers who have children in the army/navy feel the same.
9/11 was a suicide hijack...[/quote]
You really believe everything your government tells you? If so, then how come the government have been willing to attack their own people before to rally support for a war on Cuba?[/quote] I used to but when obama got to be president i stopped careing about what he had to say because usually its a lie, and him trying to save his own ass from impeachment for his own lazy actions and failed obamacare. So yeah i would believe the middle east is looking for that plane more then if obama said america was. I should stop before i go too far lol, but yea thats what i think.[/quote]
you only stopped believing when Obama came to power. Thats sad.

Re: Missing Flight #MH370

Did u notice they said one of the last words or something of the pilot was, "All right, night" or something. They said that's not how they would usually sign out. Theory of told to say it? Or what in heck
PurpleRain 226+ Mage
Vanity 227+ Druid
I can't make the World Purple when it's Gray
Beta Android Tester

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