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Re: Missing Flight #MH370

Did u notice they said one of the last words or something of the pilot was, "All right, night" or something. They said that's not how they would usually sign out. Theory of told to say it? Or what in heck
yes the co-pilot did said "all right, good night"
I'm not a pilot but news agencies are reporting that is the standard speech when transitioning from one region to another. It's extremely common.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
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Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

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Re: Missing Flight #MH370

Did u notice they said one of the last words or something of the pilot was, "All right, night" or something. They said that's not how they would usually sign out. Theory of told to say it? Or what in heck
yes the co-pilot did said "all right, good night"
I heard the recording of him saying that. It sounded like a warning- as if he was warning everyone on the plane. I think that it was an act of terrorism, not from co-pilot. Everything canceled, and it veered left. I saw that part happen too.the country is afraid, everyone is.the pentagon is working on confirming what i have guessed. "All right, goodnight". That was not an appropriate time to say that. It was a warning. We think some South Africans are responsible. The pilot invited them to the cockpit, and they were "smoking, turned around at one point" with them. The pilot said to a South African " your hand is creased, that means u are creative". We are very mixed up here. We fear they are holding the plane to fly into our pentagon.

Re: Missing Flight #MH370

Did u notice they said one of the last words or something of the pilot was, "All right, night" or something. They said that's not how they would usually sign out. Theory of told to say it? Or what in heck
yes the co-pilot did said "all right, good night"
I heard the recording of him saying that. It sounded like a warning- as if he was warning everyone on the plane. I think that it was an act of terrorism, not from co-pilot. Everything canceled, and it veered left. I saw that part happen too.the country is afraid, everyone is.the pentagon is working on confirming what i have guessed. "All right, goodnight". That was not an appropriate time to say that. It was a warning. We think some South Africans are responsible. The pilot invited them to the cockpit, and they were "smoking, turned around at one point" with them. The pilot said to a South African " your hand is creased, that means u are creative". We are very mixed up here. We fear they are holding the plane to fly into our pentagon.
I am loco cola. My email has been updated so i have had to recreate forum acount.

Re: Missing Flight #MH370

Heard it was hijacked? Not 100%, but it's whatever. Feel sorry for the families of the missing, having no clue what happened to their loved ones...
It was reported 2 of the passengers on board had fake passports which could've led to a potential terrorist attack.

6 passengers were from Australia and my thoughts are with those and the other passengers as well...
Stolen passports from what i heard, not fake. Though the fake idea isnt too far out either
Herne Rogue 140+ - INACTIVE


Re the: Missing Flight #MH370

I never knew that, you know if this evidence is true would more a lil more sense as to what went wrong. Do u know if they talked about previous plane inspections or any recent work on the plane? In any situation it is awful. If aren't alive u want a proper burial, you want answers and some form of closure. My heart goes out to those families and people missing.
PurpleRain 226+ Mage
Vanity 227+ Druid
I can't make the World Purple when it's Gray
Beta Android Tester

Re: Re the: Missing Flight #MH370

I never knew that, you know if this evidence is true would more a lil more sense as to what went wrong. Do u know if they talked about previous plane inspections or any recent work on the plane? In any situation it is awful. If aren't alive u want a proper burial, you want answers and some form of closure. My heart goes out to those families and people missing.
MAS said they latest plane inspection was 2 weeks before the plane mysterious disappearance.
Shannon - warrior

Re: Missing Flight #MH370

Ever notice how at 9/11 there was a plane crash into 2 giant buildings and the buildings just towered straight down instead of falling over to the sides? I have some doubts of the airplane being the main reason. And maybe the plane that went missing had something of great importance on it and someone wanted to steal it or the pilot was drinking and driving.

Re: Missing Flight #MH370

Ever notice how at 9/11 there was a plane crash into 2 giant buildings and the buildings just towered straight down instead of falling over to the sides? I have some doubts of the airplane being the main reason. And maybe the plane that went missing had something of great importance on it and someone wanted to steal it or the pilot was drinking and driving.
The reason is because the entire floors were heated to extreme temperatures. The building was designed to withstand the impact actually but the steel used was temperature sensitive. It softened a huge amount when heated. Once one vertical coloumn went the weight shifted to the rest because the structure overall was quite rigid. This caused a rapid failing of all of the supports. The airplane did not damage the building significantly, heating the metal supports to over 1000Deg F did.

The scale is also important. At those large sizes things tend to collapse directly downward as the structural rigidity and strength is less per unit weight.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

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