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Re: Missing Flight #MH370

Ever notice how at 9/11 there was a plane crash into 2 giant buildings and the buildings just towered straight down instead of falling over to the sides? I have some doubts of the airplane being the main reason. And maybe the plane that went missing had something of great importance on it and someone wanted to steal it or the pilot was drinking and driving.
The reason is because the entire floors were heated to extreme temperatures. The building was designed to withstand the impact actually but the steel used was temperature sensitive. It softened a huge amount when heated. Once one vertical coloumn went the weight shifted to the rest because the structure overall was quite rigid. This caused a rapid failing of all of the supports. The airplane did not damage the building significantly, heating the metal supports to over 1000Deg F did.

The scale is also important. At those large sizes things tend to collapse directly downward as the structural rigidity and strength is less per unit weight.
Im guessing a lot more people would have died if it had fallen over. That was probably one of the worst disasters since the titanic. But it did change America's view on some things.
Psalm 46:10 He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."


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Re: Missing Flight #MH370

Ever notice how at 9/11 there was a plane crash into 2 giant buildings and the buildings just towered straight down instead of falling over to the sides? I have some doubts of the airplane being the main reason. And maybe the plane that went missing had something of great importance on it and someone wanted to steal it or the pilot was drinking and driving.
The reason is because the entire floors were heated to extreme temperatures. The building was designed to withstand the impact actually but the steel used was temperature sensitive. It softened a huge amount when heated. Once one vertical coloumn went the weight shifted to the rest because the structure overall was quite rigid. This caused a rapid failing of all of the supports. The airplane did not damage the building significantly, heating the metal supports to over 1000Deg F did.

The scale is also important. At those large sizes things tend to collapse directly downward as the structural rigidity and strength is less per unit weight.
Im guessing a lot more people would have died if it had fallen over. That was probably one of the worst disasters since the titanic. But it did change America's view on some things.
And I'm not sure changes were for the better really. More paranoia and more people panicking over a threat thousands of times less dangerous than normal driving or getting the flu. Revoking the rights Americans have had since the country was founded. Airport security that wastes unbelieveable amounts of time costing huge sums of money when it could be made just as safe in better ways. Not to mention the post doc I worked with named Osama (quite a common name actually)- reminds me of the Michael Bolton dilemma from office space.

I'm sure there are a few positive things. But none seem to come to mind.

Hopefully they find the airplane soon and uncover what really happened. It's pretty likely this event will change policy going forward.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
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Re: Missing Flight #MH370

Ok guys lets be real, 9/11 was most likely a government job anyways. American government wanted iraqs oil and wanted a regime change there for ages, so they did what they tried to do with Cuba (until JFK cussed out some generals on TV). And that is frame the country to rally support for a war, there is no real democracy. If there was the bush would have let people vote about the war. Instead of just going in.

Re: Missing Flight #MH370

Ok guys lets be real, 9/11 was most likely a government job anyways. American government wanted iraqs oil and wanted a regime change there for ages, so they did what they tried to do with Cuba (until JFK cussed out some generals on TV). And that is frame the country to rally support for a war, there is no real democracy. If there was the bush would have let people vote about the war. Instead of just going in.
Im not one to side with republicans on any issue other than perhaps fiscal responsibility and even I don't think it was an inside job.

9/11 was Afghanistan in case you had forgotten. Nothng to do with Iraq.

If they needed a reason they would just have made up a bs story like bush did with the non-existent WMD which did get the US and supporting countries into Iraq. No need to do hundreds of billions of dollars of damage to the economy like the 9/11 attacks did by destabilizing things. Makes more profit to make up a bs story, invade, then have the country pay our contractors to rebuild.

Maybe you should start a conspiracy thread so we don't go off topic lol.

Edit: nvm lol there is no way you can be serious. But back on topic let's hope some good news comes out about the plane.
Last edited by Plus3 on Wed Mar 19, 2014 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

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Re: Missing Flight #MH370

Um... doesn't a plane run on fuel, so then it would have crashed by now or it's engines overheat/explode.
Any person being serious about this thinks it's crashed or landed somewhere. Hopefully everyone on board isn't lost but as more time goes on with no word it seems more and more likely.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

Toon histogram:
# of toons|_5__|___16___|____3___|__11__|__21_|407|

Re: Missing Flight #MH370

Ever notice how at 9/11 there was a plane crash into 2 giant buildings and the buildings just towered straight down instead of falling over to the sides? I have some doubts of the airplane being the main reason. And maybe the plane that went missing had something of great importance on it and someone wanted to steal it or the pilot was drinking and driving.
The reason is because the entire floors were heated to extreme temperatures. The building was designed to withstand the impact actually but the steel used was temperature sensitive. It softened a huge amount when heated. Once one vertical coloumn went the weight shifted to the rest because the structure overall was quite rigid. This caused a rapid failing of all of the supports. The airplane did not damage the building significantly, heating the metal supports to over 1000Deg F did.

The scale is also important. At those large sizes things tend to collapse directly downward as the structural rigidity and strength is less per unit weight.
Im guessing a lot more people would have died if it had fallen over. That was probably one of the worst disasters since the titanic. But it did change America's view on some things.
True i need to sign a contract to go on a plane :( apparantly im "precious cargo"

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