Im sorry but what you're saying is 100% wrong i sold it then bought a royal ss for friend then gave 100k to nuke so thats not selfish due to me not making any money, so basically you can leave now. And btw i nvr asked to join seed if anything nuke was the one who asked me to join seed and i said sure i was pretty much happy when I was in my own clan that had no one in there and it was perfectly nice and quiet and just fyi i have nvr kissed up to nuke I've done things to piss her off even before i joined clan lol. So bye byeIdk what i did to make mclovin made i simply listed 2 of my favorite players. I also forgot purple shes great. And heroskill if i remember correctly you kissed up to nuke lots got into seed then were kicked for stealing seed dl items and giving them to pudel for your selfish reasons. And i dont kiss up to nuke we are just good friend and im sick and tired of all the hate going her way for nothing
Re: list of good players of CROM
#61Proud to be the Biggest Noob in crom
(Warrior) Heroskill: 191 - retired
(Druid) DemDruidsDoe - 221 (Totem Build Druid)
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(Warrior) Heroskill: 191 - retired
(Druid) DemDruidsDoe - 221 (Totem Build Druid)
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