Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: How does a world deal with low class behavior?

im so glad to be in lugh. Its a very good server and no fights between clans ever accur. Im srry u other servers have problems like this. But u guys should really just sit down together and settle your diffrences. Maybe share some bosses, work with each other. if theres people in the clan who cant let things go or just dont want too then kick them. If its the chief that doesnt want to let it go then all clannies get together and talk to him. A chief is nothing without his crew, so he will listen. Best thing i can say is forgive and forget, And help each other.

Re: How does a world deal with low class behavior?


You guys showed very poor sportsmanship when you tried to gain a huge advantage against everyone else by using a duplicate glitch. We saw several of your members get their DL quests complete out of no where. The advantage you guys tried to gain from that glitch was very disrespectful to our server.
I saw no arguement about this from BLRD's response. This is very disgraceful, I used to feel respect for IC.

Also, Bob is making bery good points, but always following up with understanding of the rivals way of thinking whilst IC seems to retaliate in a more, ILL KS MORD kind of way.
Rogue 166 - Ghostbro
Ranger 126 - Acebow
Warrior 85 - Ghostwar


Re: How does a world deal with low class behavior?


You guys showed very poor sportsmanship when you tried to gain a huge advantage against everyone else by using a duplicate glitch. We saw several of your members get their DL quests complete out of no where. The advantage you guys tried to gain from that glitch was very disrespectful to our server.
I saw no arguement about this from BLRD's response. This is very disgraceful, I used to feel respect for IC.

Also, Bob is making bery good points, but always following up with understanding of the rivals way of thinking whilst IC seems to retaliate in a more, ILL KS MORD kind of way.
We are retaliating in a more "ill ks mord" type way but yet bobert said that they will be the ones causing problems for us on mordris if a war breaks out, so how does your response make any sense at all?

What is also disrespectful to the server is the dirty tactics you guys have succumbed too.

Lastly, you always bring up perls recruitment post, you act as though people that join your clan are property and they arent allowed to leave for something better when your clan can barely get full dl, and hrung is still raging on you guys. Why are they not entitled to move on to something better? Perl was simply statting that if you are only aiming to obtain frozen gear and find that end game really isnt your thing than these clans may be for you.
192 -- Mage (lure monkey since that's all OTM made mages good for)
188 -- Rogue
~InnerCircle of Rhiannon~

I am a forum guide , have any questions? I'm sure I can answer for a minimal fee of 500g a word (kidding)

Re: How does a world deal with low class behavior?


You guys showed very poor sportsmanship when you tried to gain a huge advantage against everyone else by using a duplicate glitch. We saw several of your members get their DL quests complete out of no where. The advantage you guys tried to gain from that glitch was very disrespectful to our server.
I saw no arguement about this from BLRD's response. This is very disgraceful, I used to feel respect for IC.

Also, Bob is making bery good points, but always following up with understanding of the rivals way of thinking whilst IC seems to retaliate in a more, ILL KS MORD kind of way.
We are retaliating in a more "ill ks mord" type way but yet bobert said that they will be the ones causing problems for us on mordris if a war breaks out, so how does your response make any sense at all?

What is also disrespectful to the server is the dirty tactics you guys have succumbed too.

Lastly, you always bring up perls recruitment post, you act as though people that join your clan are property and they arent allowed to leave for something better when your clan can barely get full dl, and hrung is still raging on you guys. Why are they not entitled to move on to something better? Perl was simply statting that if you are only aiming to obtain frozen gear and find that end game really isnt your thing than these clans may be for you.

It just really seems like you are making it as though life is super hard for you when its even harder for the other clan.

How can resetting bosses even be in the same league as glitching item databases and getting these items for free?

And its pretty easy to tell that perl is saying that if you dont have frozen yet, could be lvl 160 with beastbone, quickly go take drops from x clan and join us.
Rogue 166 - Ghostbro
Ranger 126 - Acebow
Warrior 85 - Ghostwar


Re: How does a world deal with low class behavior?

Why do I need to display an argument against that comment? 1 person found out how to duplicate items and did it (over half a year ago). All items and more were removed and the duper was permanently banned...

I didn't see how it fitted in to messing with people's bosses so found it irrelevant other than to take the heat off of the dirty tactics that Bobert himself has partaken in (and started). Bob is not making good points, he is making excuses, and their is no excuse for messing with people's bosses, unless they have messed with yours (not on our world at least).

What I took from Bobert's posts is: 'if you retaliate, we will just do it more and you will be worse off'. How do you react to a threat to try and prevent you from retaliating to future dirty tactics? It has happened 5 times in the last month and we have let them all slide with no repercussions whatsoever. 5 times! Not once or twice.

They can't take Mord, nowhere near it. They can't even take Hrungnir alone. 3 clans have been partaking in all of these FFA's (losing and winning), why is it just the 1 that can't accept losing?

The majority of our clan is very peaceful. They like fighting bosses and they like winning FFA's, that's as far as it goes in terms of hostility and rivalry. An all-out war is not ideal for them, they want their gladiators in peace, they don't want to be around all the trash talking, they want to play the game for fun and not have people spoiling their gaming-time.

So as Perl said, how do you deal with these problems without retaliating and repaying them 10x over.
RAPIDx - 225 Rogue
Rhiannon GameChanger

Some Guy - 220 Rogue
Epona Prodigy

Re: How does a world deal with low class behavior?


You guys showed very poor sportsmanship when you tried to gain a huge advantage against everyone else by using a duplicate glitch. We saw several of your members get their DL quests complete out of no where. The advantage you guys tried to gain from that glitch was very disrespectful to our server.
I saw no arguement about this from BLRD's response. This is very disgraceful, I used to feel respect for IC.

Also, Bob is making bery good points, but always following up with understanding of the rivals way of thinking whilst IC seems to retaliate in a more, ILL KS MORD kind of way.
You just found out about this. Was like 6 months ago and lots of people were *** on the forums.

Re: How does a world deal with low class behavior?

Ill start this off by saying that i extremely dislike these petty conflicts, especially on a game that i play for fun, yet i feel compelled to post in hopes of settling this.

Let me try to summarize the arguments first:

- OP side: On the world Rhiannon the 'boss ethics' so to speak are such that once one clan (or group of clans) has the lock, the opposition backs off. However, without singling anyone out, part of the opposing side has not only been breaking these ethics, but executing dirty tactics in an attempt to force the use of plat (real money) or to lose the boss. Although the attempts have thus far been unsuccessful in causing the loss of a boss, they have cost RL money and aggravation, and for those reasons are extremely distasteful. These acts of a handful of the opposing side have been met with ZERO retaliation.

- Opposing side: In the past the OP's clan has exploited a glitch. They havent tried to settle issues.

Now for my opinion... Ok so, the glitch theyre referring to happened half a year ago, the duper was permanently banned, all items were removed, and they apologized several times (even those who really were not involved). People talk of wanting settle issues, yet refuse to let go isolated actions of ONE member (who was banned) from 6 months ago. As for settling issues, we have been trying, and these attempts have been met with hostility time and time again.

Id like to finish with this... I, along with the majority (if not all) of the clan would just like to enjoy the game,and have friendly competition. We would be more than happy to meet you halfway, but that requires you all to meet us there.

However, dont mistake our kindness for weakness, we are more than capable of pushing back.

We dont want a war, we just want to enjoy the game.
Enjoy the little things in life...
One day you'll look back and realize they were the big things.

Re: How does a world deal with low class behavior?

Ill start this off by saying that i extremely dislike these petty conflicts, especially on a game that i play for fun, yet i feel compelled to post in hopes of settling this.

Let me try to summarize the arguments first:

- OP side: On the world Rhiannon the 'boss ethics' so to speak are such that once one clan (or group of clans) has the lock, the opposition backs off. However, without singling anyone out, part of the opposing side has not only been breaking these ethics, but executing dirty tactics in an attempt to force the use of plat (real money) or to lose the boss. Although the attempts have thus far been unsuccessful in causing the loss of a boss, they have cost RL money and aggravation, and for those reasons are extremely distasteful. These acts of a handful of the opposing side have been met with ZERO retaliation.

- Opposing side: In the past the OP's clan has exploited a glitch. They havent tried to settle issues.

Now for my opinion... Ok so, the glitch theyre referring to happened half a year ago, the duper was permanently banned, all items were removed, and they apologized several times (even those who really were not involved). People talk of wanting settle issues, yet refuse to let go isolated actions of ONE member (who was banned) from 6 months ago. As for settling issues, we have been trying, and these attempts have been met with hostility time and time again.

Id like to finish with this... I, along with the majority (if not all) of the clan would just like to enjoy the game,and have friendly competition. We would be more than happy to meet you halfway, but that requires you all to meet us there.

However, dont mistake our kindness for weakness, we are more than capable of pushing back.

We dont want a war, we just want to enjoy the game.
Well said, understood everything.
Rogue 166 - Ghostbro
Ranger 126 - Acebow
Warrior 85 - Ghostwar


Re: How does a world deal with low class behavior?

I didn't want to bring this up because they can't defend themselves, but at the last Hrungnir it was your player that came in on a fire broom, grabbed the aggro, and dragged it to reset. This certain player happens to be over level 200 too.

You don't have to believe me, and I know that he'll deny it like he did when we were at hrung. But we have a pic showing him do it. :lol:

Yumius- Level 183+ DPS Warrior
JuliusYumius- Level 123+ DPS Rogue

Proud Member of Outliers Clan

"Only those who play win. Only those who risk win. History favors risk-takers. Forgets the timid. Everything else is commentary."
-Iveta Cherneva

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