Surprised your even in trans. You're not mature or self disciplined enough to be in such a good clan.
Funny story today.
I was camping Ragnor just as long as Gemwing. Then, le wild Ragnor spawns. Ethan then, coming way after us, claims Gemwing was
camping for him (wait whaa). Me and Ethan ffa for Ragnor. I, being a rogue and lower level, got the lock. Gemwing then decides to longshot me. I attack Etahn cause at this point I am furious. Then AcidRouge comes out of nowhere and kills me, not knowing what was going on.
After I bash them for ksing, and disobeying a rule that muse made but no one seems to follow in trans (no killing anyone in arena no matter what) they completel ignore me and start laughing again.
Makes me burn up inside.
P.S 10 minute before this situation, Gemwing was killing a clannie, Healer101 on glad. I warned him several times, even after killed his clannie. Finally, Healer101 asked me to help so I killed Gem. Gem, being stubborn, continued to kill his own clan member even after the glad. Btw, he claimed that Healer101 was Rob.
I had a talk with Kumell who heard me out and also thinks camping for someone is retarded.
I am only holding this against Ethan Gem and Acid though, and not the entire clans after thinking it through.