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Re: Missing Flight #MH370

Then everyone on the plane would be dead by now.
No te flight was indeed hijacked. We r 80% sure of this. We have subs that wouldve detected the debris, and p80 Poseidon wouldve found it. We haven't found any useful info, but the Chinese might be on to something. The Malaysians have also found something, but we are not allowed to leak this info yet, as its not 100% definite debris.

Re: Missing Flight #MH370

It could be like a zombie plane. Not literally a zombie but a zombie plane is when the oxygen is so thin everyone passes out.

Maybe pilot committed suicide? I heard he called his wife and told her goodbye or something :?
Yea it's far more likely the pilot suicided or there was a bizzare stream of malfunctions than terrorism. I dont think we can trust the timeline given by malasian authorities but i do believe the satellite company that said the last ping was way out in the Indian Ocean.

If the plane depressurized you actually pass out really fast and those oxygen masks only last a few minutes. Same with a fire the smoke can do you in fast and it's not like you can roll down the window. I was on a plane where some idiot dropped a huge bottle of cheap perfume (pre stupidity rules) and it broke. It was unbarable so I can imagine.

Personally I am leaning toward the suicide. We may not know for years the ocean is extremely deep there.

On the plus side for the first time in three weeks it wasn't cnns front page story.
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Re: Missing Flight #MH370

China's secret service hijacked it via sattelite. Next question?
Quit being silly. Aliens used a black hole to send it back in time. Right now they are fending off the carnotaurs with nothing more than a few spears, seatbelts, and one of those beverage carts.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
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Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

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Re: Missing Flight #MH370

hijacked, and to where?

it's in deep sea now rip
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