Immortal xD
Suggest what rings necklaces etc I should fill them with, I don't need no more energy and I would love to get some dog rings but don't know where to get them I play 3days in this server pretty impressive?
Skill rings; sunfire damage misc; and there are various bracelets you can choose from: damage, energy regen etc. You will need the extra energy regen at level 100+.
Your build and gear is great, thats the one im using actually on my leel 66rogue, to boost damage, add strenght or upgrade poison weapon
Away from mabon sorry guys!
I am on Morrigan now
Natures - druid level 41 - Morrigan
MasterRange - rogue level 145 - Mabon ~Retired~
Looking for leveling partners that are not arachnophobe
Pm me ig
I'm lvl 93 was to lazy to get up more 3 days lvl 93 I'm proud of my selffe:) yea in longer fights I start losing energy I think I'm going to buy one energy ring. It's only 25k and maybe another 100k bracelet or now much it was.
Now tiring to get moonshadow armor:)