A side note on the hilarious refusal to have any kind of list or check with guns is the same senators and congress who are outspoken on that also endorse the actions of NSA spying on people - and keeping lists. I can only assume part of the metadata collected indicates gun ownership lol.For now, I would settle for "upped checks." Not the complete banning of guns but at least more regulations that could protect people with and without guns.I agree there should be some upped checks. But we're talking about a select handful of people that do mass shootings. If your a law abiding sane citizen that simply want to protect their home, you should be allowed to have guns.
Guns shouldn't be banned, I know personally a good amount of people that hunt to have dinner on the table.
A person can simply use a blunt instrument, stun gun (taser), etc that would minimise damage to all parties involved. Instead of shoot first ask questions later, we could actually investigate and again the area will be spared from damage. I agree that a person has the right to defend their home but there are other safer ways.
Imagine if Pistorius, assuming he was telling the truth, waited for the unknown person to leave the lavy and then just shot with a taser. There would of course be an Opps! And possibly a break up but at least no one would pointlessly die. This can apply to almost all cases of "I thought it was a [insert bad type of person]" where if a person really felt threatened and just had to shoot, the most that would happen is you get knocked out and you bump into something as you fall down. No death.
In regards to hunters, I would agree with their use of guns but how many rounds do they really needs and why fight to use an automatic? It is almost as if they expect the deer or whatever animal to shoot back...
In the USA gun records are so bad (as many require paper only documentation) that even when a legit gun is stolen the owner cannot retrieve information about it from general authorities.
As if being on a list makes you the first home the communist police force will invade upon taking power. Lot of good a couple of guns would do compared to military hardware anyhow.
It's not an easy subject anyhow now that everyone has a taste for them. I can tell you though that most gun owners are careless with their guns and their own guns wind up injuring or killing them more often then someone else's. In addition they are useless in a safe when you need them. Outside of a taser which requires hand to hand combat and only has a single ranged shot (typically) a handgun is actually a combat equalizer for those with some experience.
I can tell you I'm a typical size and strength male with a moderate to nub amount of actual hand to hand fighting training and I can assure you putting a knife or a "blunt instrument" in the hands of most people will do nothing more than perhaps slightly more damage to the attacker as it is removed from their possession and they are beaten or stabbed to death with it. There is no shrugging off a 9mm hit to the chest from a 60 year old lady. It equalizes combat by escalating it to anyone with minor training can be highly lethal at close to mid range combat.