No one thinks cells sprang into being with billions of base pairs of DNA, cell walls, a nucleus, etc... People think that DNA wasn't even the original structure used to encode genetic information. RNA came before DNA and it is likely RNA was created by a precursor also. ... nce-alone/No one knows how simple the first organism was but it might actually be quite easy to happen by chance. For example the first organism may simply be a collection of amino acids that build up in porous rock near sea vents. Just one has to get a self replicating structure going and it could spread into the nearby material and start up evolution. So just because you assume the simplest organism is something like a mouse or single cell the fact is that you don't have an idea because you systematically demonstrate a lack of understanding basic science.The probability of the simplest organism forming by chance is not just low. It is so low you could not even comprehend the amount of zeroes required to make that number. It is mathematically impossible. Also, we shouldn't teach something as fact if it hasn't been proven. And a theory has to be testible. Thus, neither evolution, not the Big Bang is a theory. It is a model.
Not to mention earth like planets are quite common - about 1/100 to 1/1000 of planets with perhaps a trillion in our galaxy and a trillion galaxies in the visible universe alone. If each had a billion years for life to develop that means if you had one powerball lottery entry (1/170 million chance) per planet per year to win the "does spontaneous life start" - life would have started at least 6 billion trillion times in the visible universe already.
You demonstrate a fundamental lack of understanding the actual math of probability and statistics, role of chance in science, and the scope of reality.
And don't get started with your bs crap of ''oh they guessed the chances'' after all, isn't that all of what evolution is grounded upon is rough estimates?
Nice try posting an ignorant forum post with false information though. Good job not even understanding the problem. Is it as blissful as is claimed?