by MarcusD
Making the rounds through the servers someone showed shock at the no plat items rule even if bought with gold, especially backpack expansions. Truth is it really isn't bad, no matter how much backpack you buy it always fills up and you have to go to farcrag anyway. If anything this forces you to be more organized and send items to bank charecters.
The reason for this rule is it is the only way to make it possible to enforce the no plat rule. Someone could easily say "I bought with gold" to get around the no plat rule and there would be no way to know. Also this makes it so you don't "waste" your gold on things like idols and pots and instead work on grouping and developing better strategy.
A Mage is like a Lamborghini, You don't get one as your first car or daily driver and there are cheaper cars that go faster and are more comfortable anyway.