Good job leaving the scam clan, all this drama is unimportant, bottom line they did you a favor by accusing you since it lead to you leaving .
And ara before you exclaim the virtues of your scamclan, ask yourself if you really know these people you are defending.
Tbh I've said enough stuff so far. Sorry but i absolutely disagree we are a scam clan, that is going too far. We all should just get along.
Now for the last time, there is seriously enough crap being said towards others. Please do understand.
having one scammer in the clan, is the fault of every member who sits by and lets it happen
Absolutely agree....One older guy in ZA, very respected for his good and kind attitude, told me when I left that he was staying 'to change things from the inside'...he got promotion and changed nothing! He is still there, so the very best that can be said of him is that he is simply weak in character.
Arulus you are a good player, I am not condemning you or any other good clansmen in ZA. I am sick of saying that! Only yest. I assisted you and some other ZA at an Ice Dragon you needed. You see unlike your leaders who play this game by hate, who write hate mail to some ex ZA who have joined AV, who go on and on about 'hating' AV....I don't hate 'all ZA'. And don't you find it a bit odd, that this old mage, declared a blackmailer, thief, clan wrecker and AV creep by your leaders, will do that when a Gen in your own clan refused to allow Crim and a couple of other ZA clansmen to join an Ice Drag group, because that Gen had himself along with 3 of his own alts, made it too full for ZA mains to benefit by grouping to it. That alone should tell you who comes first always in your clan, your bloody leaders. The fact is, even you good guys did NOTHING about thug brat cheating, stealing and ksing any ex ZA while training. Arrosg summed up the general ZA view perfectly when after haranguing me for daring to hop over from DS to Kes's clan (cos of the nasty hatred Kes was getting from ZA for daring to leave), I told her she was in no position to make judgements when she was in a clan not only run by a corrupt leadership but a leadership happy to protect a scum bag. Her answer to that was, 'we'll he don't bug me' . So presumably players who remain in ZA think the same.......long as no one 'bugs' them, it doesn't matter what the hell they do to anyone else in clan. And it is exactly that complacency that explains why you are lead by such a sneaky, cowardly and selfish bunch of oafs.