Didnt say target lock was the perfect solution, but its an impartial measurement on who gets the boss. Every side has a chance. Good luck trying to enforce MMO etiquette in a world with ever changing players and personalities.
Anyone who claims someone who got the lock 'stole the kill' is just poor sports and cant accept the fact that they got beat.
Re: A new example ruleset for creating a peaceful world
#12We could have said the same thing about the old way (and many did). You are right it is an impartial judge and I think it has its place, but more of a consensual competition in certain circumstances. Still for leveling I for sure consider it a ks when a warrior or druid is trying to level and a rogue goes around sneaking the lock away everytime lol.
A Mage is like a Lamborghini, You don't get one as your first car or daily driver and there are cheaper cars that go faster and are more comfortable anyway.
Re: A new example ruleset for creating a peaceful world
#13No offense but your rules are stupid.
Sounds like an extremely biased view by someone who is part of a much weaker group who want bosses handed to them because they touched them first...target lock is there to ensure clean competition, it doesn't create arguments unless you decide to cry over the fact you didn't get lock. Your definition of clean competition is misguided.
Sounds like an extremely biased view by someone who is part of a much weaker group who want bosses handed to them because they touched them first...target lock is there to ensure clean competition, it doesn't create arguments unless you decide to cry over the fact you didn't get lock. Your definition of clean competition is misguided.
Last edited by Broscientist on Fri Apr 25, 2014 11:29 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Level 10+ in all classes
Veteran player - playing since 2014
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Re: A new example ruleset for creating a peaceful world
#14You're a level 50 noob still in shalemont and you're trying to teach experience players how to run a peaceful world and clan?
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Re: A new example ruleset for creating a peaceful world
#15This is actually hilarious... I play to ks an get everything, not to stand and socialise while another clan takes a boss. Damn i want that boss!! Funnily enough we had this on rosmerta and now that clan joined us... Take out the rest, be the best.
No one gets anywhere from always being nice (real life included).
No one gets anywhere from always being nice (real life included).
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206- Druid
200- Rogue
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Re: A new example ruleset for creating a peaceful world
#16Instead of all this clan stuff, you can just be Obito and Madara and cast Infinite Tsukuyomi.
World Belenus
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World Belenus
You must watch Guilty Crown
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Re: A new example ruleset for creating a peaceful world
#17You clearly have absolutely no clue what a 'kill steal' is.Since when has the target lock been deemed the perfect judge of ettiquite? As far as I know kill steals have existed since 1999 and OTM hasn't changed the definition of it. The target lock is just a mini-game.
If you think a KS is when one group/player starts to kill something, and a second party comes along and manages to out damage the first group, you should probably read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kill_stealing
The traditional definition of a KS is when you kill something and take credit for it, when you don't actually deserve it. This is very different from Celtic Heroes, because if you do manage to out-damage someone who started killing something before you did, then by all means you deserve the damn kill. Other games base the kill on who actually lands the killing blow, and that's where a kill steal comes in play e.g. waiting for someone else to make a mob's health to go very low, then finishing it off, obtaining the kill.
You are confusing the term 'kill steal' with 'gaming etiquette'.
Let me just clarify that, if you get the lock, that doesn't guarantee you the kill. Someone else could still get the kill, you just get the drop.

Currently actively playing the game.
Re: A new example ruleset for creating a peaceful world
#18Wow lol. Well consolation I have is I know when people like Levyyy "beat the game" they will quit. I say go for it take everythig for yourself it will get you out of our hair faster. And if you don't know me then I'm not going to try to take the time to explain who I am. As far as kill stealing take a look at the everquest part of that wiki article. And if you don't think kill stealing is game ettiquitte then I don't know what is because ksing is the #1 part of game ettiquite. OTM introduced the lock to help us so that IF their was competition we know who the "winner" is before the very last hitpoint so we could save idols or whatnot. It is by no means a be all end all solution. Like I said their is only ONE INSTANCE per server so that means the whole server should be on the same page about bosses or their will be hating and fighting. And an all out war for every boss lock is not a friendly solution IMO. Right now CH is like the wild west, gangs of NY, Los Angeles, or Chicago lol.
A Mage is like a Lamborghini, You don't get one as your first car or daily driver and there are cheaper cars that go faster and are more comfortable anyway.
Re: A new example ruleset for creating a peaceful world
#19Rules are nice. But you have to accept the reality that some people only want to follow the rules they make for themselves.
If OTM allows people people to act badly, then that is what they are going to do. I have seen many people who only abide by the bare minimum rules that OTM sets, and they even try to challenge those. I wish you luck on getting these rules in place on your server, because it won't be easy!

Re: A new example ruleset for creating a peaceful world
#20Many people do not follow OTM's rules, so I doubt everyone would follow these rule (obviously some).