Focus on the future???? Y doesnt Prime let us then. How can we if Prime is ****** with the bosses that we got first and reseting them?
Many ppl have been told rumors about Honour to either make them leave and join them or to make them not join Honour at all.
The high lvls want to enjoy their game, sure, i totally agree, but when u need to grief other clans to get that enjoyment, then that is just sickining
You are assuming waaaaay too much in this statement arachnid. The resetting goes both ways. Prime will never let UnHonour get a snorri full if we can prevent it, the same way Unhonour tries to prevent our bossing (be it dl or end game bosses). Crowns are more valuable to our players at this point for end game bosses.
We don't need to spread rumors to get members to join Prime or to leave Honour. The active players who have left unbreak and Honour to join Prime, did it for their own reasons. A lot of those reasons were to come to an actively bossing clan whose priority was end game bossing, but when they get to Prime, they see we aren't the big bad wolves that our reputation seems to portray. Very few Prime members actively try to make anyone else's game experience suffer.
"we don't need to spread rumour to get members to join Prime or to leave Honour".
Why do you then?
"The active players left Honour or Unbreak for their own reasons"
They left because they didnt want to fight for the drops coz it might take a little bit of effort. Greed and glory, all it is.
And to those who did leave, id just like to say, if u didnt leave Honour and Unbreak would be so powerful, it would undoubtably matched or exceeded Primes capabilities. I could list the names of many exHonour and ExUnbread, but the list would go on forever.
"very few Prime members activiely try to make anyone else's game experience suffer"
Who ever participlates in resetting the bosses is trying to get the drops themselves, therfore making the game unfathomable for others.